News list for "62.225"

The whole network bitcoin contract unpositioned squaring position fell to $60.86 billion

The data shows that the unpositioned squaring position of the bitcoin futures contract on the whole network is 622,250 BTC (about $60.86 billion). Among them, the unpositioned squaring position of the CME bitcoin contract is 195,580 BTC (about $19.06 billion), ranking first; Binance Bitcoin contract unpositioned squaring position 125,240 BTC (about $12.25 billion), ranked second.

2024-12-10 00:15:22

数据显示,全网比特币期货合约未平仓头寸为 62.225 万枚 BTC(约合 608.6 亿美元)。 其中 CME 比特币合约未平仓头寸为 19.558 万枚 BTC(约合 190.6 亿美元),位列第一; Binance 比特币合约未平仓头寸为 12.524 万枚 BTC(约合 122.5 亿美元),位列第二。

2024-12-10 00:15:22