News list for "57367"

Open a position of 387 BTC at an average price of $57,367, and the giant whale will transfer 205 BTC to Binance through the transit address.

Chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring pointed out that two weeks ago with an average price of $57,367 to open a position of 387 BTC giant whale suspected of clearing all the tokens three hours ago, profit of about 990,000 dollars. The address raised 387 BTC from Binance on August 7, and then reduced its position at $57,321 and $60,692. The remaining 205 were recharged into Binance by the transit address three hours ago, worth about $12.44 million.

2024-08-22 08:44:47

链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测指出,两周前以57367美元均价建仓387枚BTC的巨鲸疑似于三小时前清仓所有代币,获利约99万美元。 该地址于8月7日从Binance提出387枚BTC,随后在57321美元和60692美元的点位各减仓了一部分,最终剩余205枚由中转地址在三小时前充值进Binance,价值约1244万美元。

2024-08-22 08:44:47