News list for "5000"

Data: USDC Treasury Makes 50 million New USDC in Ethereum

According to Whale Alert, the USDC Treasury minted an additional 50,000,000 USDCs on the Ethereum chain at 15:11, worth approximately $50,057,625.

2025-03-13 07:21:54
数据:USDC Treasury 在以太坊新铸造 5000 万枚 USDC

据Whale Alert监测,USDC Treasury于15:11在以太坊链上新增铸造50,000,000枚USDC,价值约50,057,625美元。

2025-03-13 07:21:54

据OnChain Lens监测,某鲸鱼地址7小时前以亏损价格将5000枚ETH(约合946万美元)存入Binance,持币15日的总浮亏达662万美元。据悉,该地址15天前从Deribit提币1万枚ETH(约合2560万美元),目前仍持有5000枚ETH。

2025-03-13 02:54:40
The turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen markets broke through 500 billion.

The turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen markets broke through 500 billion.

2025-03-13 01:59:37


2025-03-13 01:59:37
USDC Treasury在以太坊新铸造5000万枚USDC

据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间13:48左右,USDC Treasury在以太坊链上新铸造5000万枚USDC。

2025-03-12 05:53:25
Jsquare announces the first phase of its first LP fund, Pioneer Fund, in the US, with a size of $50 million

On March 12th, at the ETHDenver in the United States, Jsquare hosted the Proof of Brew: Tasting the Crypto event. Mr. James Wo, co-founder of Jsquare and Venture Partner of Pioneer Fund, announced the official release of the first phase of its first LP fund, Pioneer Fund, on behalf of Jsquare. The size of the first phase of the fund is 50 million US dollars, focusing on investing in AI, consumer applications, RWA, DeFi, PayFi and other Web3 fields. Js...

2025-03-12 02:26:14
Jsquare在美宣布其第一支LP基金Pioneer Fund第一期发布 规模5000万美金

3月12日消息,在美国ETHDenver间,Jsquare在其主办的周边活动Proof of Brew: Tasting the Crypto活动上,Jsquare的联合创始人、Pioneer Fund的Venture Partner James Wo先生代表Jsquare宣布了其第一支LP基金Pioneer Fund第一期正式发布。第一期基金规模5000万美金,重点投资赛道为AI、消费者应用、RWA、DeFi、PayFi等Web3领域。 Js...

2025-03-12 02:26:14
“Hyperliquid 50倍杠杆获利928万美元巨鲸”再度50倍看多ETH,已全部平仓获利5000美元

据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,“Hyperliquid 50倍杠杆获利928万美元巨鲸”再度50倍看多ETH。3分钟前向Hyperliquid充值356万枚USDC作为保证金,随后开启了5,676.22 ETH的多单,开仓价1912美元。与以往不同,这次仅持续两分钟该巨鲸就已全部平仓,获利5000美元离场。

2025-03-11 09:27:14
Private exporters report selling 195,000 tons of soybeans to unknown destinations

On March 10, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released data that private exporters reported selling 195,000 tons of soybeans to unknown destinations for delivery in 2024/2025.

2025-03-10 13:05:44


2025-03-10 13:05:44
Santiment: Large holders have re-accumulated nearly 5,000 bitcoins in the past week, and the market performance may improve in the second half of the month

According to Santiment's analysis, wallets holding more than 10 bitcoins have experienced several key turning points in the past six months, with a slight sell-off from mid-February to early March exacerbating the crypto market's recent decline. However, since March 3, these large wallets have re-stocked nearly 5,000 bitcoins, while retail investors are panicking. The data chart shows several key points in time: on October 12 last year, large holders...

2025-03-10 06:46:52

据Santiment分析,持有10枚以上比特币的钱包在过去6个月经历了几个关键转折点,2月中旬至3月初的轻微抛售加剧了加密市场最近的下跌,但自3月3日以来,这些大型钱包已重新囤积近5000枚比特币,与此同时散户投资者情绪恐慌。 数据图表显示了几个关键时间点:去年10月12日大型持有者...

2025-03-10 06:46:52
Analysis: If all non-bitcoin cryptoassets held by the US government are liquidated and converted, it is expected that about 5,000 new bitcoins will be added

On March 10, according to, if all non-bitcoin crypto assets held by the US government are cleared and converted into bitcoin, it is expected to add about 5,000 bitcoin. According to Arkham data, as of March 9, 2025, the US federal government holds 60,850 Ethereum (worth about 123 million dollars), which can be converted into about 1,522.86 bitcoin; in addition, it holds 122 million USDT, which can be exchanged for about 1,500 bitcoin. The government's crypto asset reserve also includ...

2025-03-10 02:48:25
分析:美国政府持有的非比特币加密资产若全部清算转换,预计可新增约 5000 枚比特币

3月10日消息,据 报道,美国政府持有的非比特币加密资产若全部清算转换为比特币,预计可新增约 5000 枚比特币。据 Arkham 数据,截至 2025 年 3 月 9 日,美国联邦政府持有 60,850 枚以太坊(价值约 1.23 亿美元),可转换为约 1,522.86 枚比特币;此外还持有 1.22 亿枚 USDT,可兑换约 1,500 枚比特币。 政府加密资产储备还包括 750.722 枚包装比特币(WBTC)、40,293 枚 BNB、1,3...

2025-03-10 02:48:25