3月17日消息,泰国中央调查局 (CIB) 官员上周五查获了63台非法加密矿机,这些非法加密挖矿设备价值约200万泰铢(6万美元),是在巴吞他尼府的三栋废弃房屋中发现的。当地居民抱怨有不明身份的人从该地区的电线杆和变压器上偷电,随后官员们进行了突袭。当地人怀疑被盗电力被用于隐藏在废弃建筑物中的加密货币挖矿作业。调查人员估计,这三栋房屋因...
Spot silver widened its intraday gain to 2%, trading at $32.72 an ounce.
The world's largest silver ETF - iShares Silver Trust holdings increased by 117.96 tons from the previous day, and the current holdings are 13,132.75 tons. Welcome to click to view the data center > >
The world's largest silver ETF - iShares Silver Trust holdings decreased by 56.86 tons from the previous day, and the current holdings are 13,132.75 tons. Welcome to click to view the data center > >
The world's largest silver ETF - iShares Silver Trust position decreased by 123.7 tons from the previous trading day, and the current position is 13,132.73 tons. Welcome to click to view the data center > >