Spot silver fell more than 2% during the day, trading at $29.76 an ounce.
According to Arkham monitoring data, 29.731 BTC yesterday flowed into the Valkyrie Bitcoin exchange-traded fund BRRR Bitcoin ETF from an unknown address starting with bc1q9, worth about $2.03 million, and then Valkyrie transferred the funds to another address.
According to Lookonchain, a new wallet has withdrawn 2929.71 billion PEPE ($2.17 million) and 273,267 WLD ($391,000) from Binance in the last 20 minutes.
据Lookonchain监测,某新建钱包在过去 20 分钟内从 Binance 提取了 2929.71亿PEPE(217万美元) 和 273,267 WLD(39.1 万美元)。
Spot silver expanded its intraday gain to 1.00% and is now trading at $29.73 an ounce.
1. 国家统计局:7月份汽车产量229.7万辆,下降2.4%,其中新能源汽车98.8万辆,增长27.8%。2. 乘联会:8月1-11日乘用车新能源市场零售27.4万辆,同比去年8月同期增长57%。3. 雷军:8月14日20点起,小米SU7 Max的交付进一步加速。4. 机构:7月全球电动汽车和插混汽车销量达140万辆,同比增长21%。5. 赛力斯收购赛力斯汽车少数股东股权。6. 东风汽车在意大利建厂?最新回应来了:只是初步接触,尚未有实质性进展。7. 太平洋证券:新能源汽车中上游底部或将到来,下游新周期有望开启。8. 图森未来正式宣布进入生成式AI应用领域。9. 首台蔚来乐道L60汽车今日量产下线,标号“0000001”。10. 丰田在巴西为卡罗拉提供防弹改装服务,应对暴力犯罪。11. 何小鹏称小鹏MONA M03汽车订单超G6同期,起售价不超过13.59万元。12. 美机构结束特斯拉悬挂故障调查,建议扩大维修范围。13. 法拉第未来2024年第二季度运营亏损5060万美元,净资产1.487亿美元。
The Nikkei 225 Average rose 1 percent to 4,029.74.
Spot silver rose 2.00% during the day to $29.74 an ounce.