News list for "28857.19"

In the past 24 hours, approximately 28,857 BTC was exited from the Bitfinex exchange wallet

According to Coinglass data, 28,857.19 BTC has flowed out of the Bitfinex exchange wallet in the past 24 hours, and the current Bitfinex wallet balance is 362,433.80 BTC. In addition, 552.84 BTC was transferred from the Coinbase Pro wallet, and the current Coinbase Pro wallet balance is 724,832.99 BTC.

2025-01-01 22:18:31

据 Coinglass 数据显示,过去 24 小时 28857.19 枚 BTC 从 Bitfinex 交易所钱包流出,当前 Bitfinex 钱包余额为 362,433.80 枚 BTC。 此外,552.84 枚 BTC 从 Coinbase Pro 钱包流出,当前 Coinbase Pro 钱包余额为 724,832.99 枚 BTC;

2025-01-01 22:18:31