Cathie Wood's Ark Investment Management remains bullish on Tesla and expects its share price to reach $2,600 within five years, almost 10 times its current price. Wood said in a television interview that Robotaxi would account for 90% of its value within the next five years. She added on Tuesday that Tesla's moves in humanoid robots have not yet been factored into this price forecast. According to information published on the Ark website, as of March...
“木头姐”Cathie Wood旗下的方舟投资管理公司依然对特斯拉保持乐观态度,并预计其股价将在五年内达到2600美元,几乎是当前价格的10倍。 Wood在电视采访中表示,Robotaxi将在未来五年内占其价值的90%。她周二补充道,特斯拉在人形机器人领域的举措尚未被纳入这一价格预测中。根据方舟网站公布的信息,截至3月...
U.S. and European authorities seized Garantex's domain name and froze its $26 million assets, accusing the Russia-linked cryptocurrency exchange of laundering billions of dollars for cybercriminals and sanctioned entities. Two executives, Aleksej Besciokov and Aleksandr Mira Serda, have been indicted for money laundering conspiracy, and Besciokov faces additional sanctions violations. Garantex allegedly handled $96 billion worth of cryptocurrency transactions, including ransomware and dark web d...
美国和欧洲当局扣押了 Garantex 的域名并冻结了其 2600 万美元资产,指控这家与俄罗斯有关联的加密货币交易所为网络犯罪分子和受制裁实体洗钱数十亿美元。 两名高管 Aleksej Besciokov 和 Aleksandr Mira Serda 因洗钱阴谋被起诉,Besciokov 还面临额外的制裁违规行为。据称,Garantex 处理了价值 960 亿美元的加密货币交易,包括勒索软件和暗网毒品销售。
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) issued a press release on March 7 local time saying that it has ordered Robinhood Financial to pay customers $3.75 million and fined Robinhood Financial and Robinhood Securities $26 million for violating multiple FINRA rules, including failing to respond to red flags of potential misconduct. In the settlement agreement, the two companies accepted FINRA's findings but neither admitted nor denied the allegations, and agreed to commit to rectifyin...
美国金融业监管局(FINRA)当地时间3月7日发布新闻稿称,已责令Robinhood Financial向客户支付375万美元,并以违反多项FINRA规则为由对Robinhood Financial和Robinhood Securities处以2600万美元罚款,包括未能对潜在不当行为的危险信号作出回应。在和解协议中,两家公司接受FINRA调查结果但既不承认也不否认指控,并同意承诺已整改相关问题。
According to Onchain Lens, a giant whale has gained about $26 million in floating profits through multiple short positions on Hyperliquid. The giant whale holds a total of 48 perpetual contract positions on HyperLiquid: 47 of them are short and 1 is long. Of these positions, only 3 are lossmaking, while the remaining 45 positions are highly profitable. In addition, the giant whale also holds 23,947 HYPE tokens (valued at $386,000) and 361,250 other tokens (valued at $31,800) on the cash market.
据Onchain Lens监测,一巨鲸通过在Hyperliquid上的多个空头仓位获得了约2600万美元的浮盈。该巨鲸在HyperLiquid上总共持有48个永续合约仓位:其中47个为空头,1个为多头。在这些仓位中,仅有3个处于亏损状态,而其余的45个仓位均高度盈利。此外,该巨鲸还在现货市场上持有23,947枚HYPE代币(价值386,000美元)和361,250枚其他代币(价值31,800美元)。
The market shows that ETH broke through $2600, and is now reported at $2601.41, with a 24-hour decline of 1.14%. The market fluctuates greatly. Please do a good job in risk control.