According to tonscan data, the TON network currently pledges 725.50 million TON, accounting for 28.45% of the circulating supply (2.55 billion). In addition, the current pledge APY is 5%, and the network has a total of 400 verification nodes.
Spot gold closed up 1.84% at $2558.07 an ounce, a record closing high. Spot silver rose 4.19% to $29.8792 an ounce. COMEX gold futures rose 1.78% to $2587.6 an ounce, a record closing high. COMEX silver futures rose 4.48% to $30.225 an ounce.
On September 12, spot gold continued to rise, setting a new record high of $2,550 per ounce, nearly $40 higher than the daily low, an increase of 1.5% during the day.
Spot gold continued to rise, reaching a new all-time high of $2,550 per ounce.
02555.HK: The Company announces that based on the results of the quarterly review of the Hang Seng Index Series announced by Hang Seng Indexes Limited on 16 August 2024, the Company has been selected and will be included in the Hang Seng Index Series with effect from 9 September 2024.
1. 特斯拉今年第二季度总收入为255亿美元,比特币持仓连续八个季度保持不变。2. 《富爸爸穷爸爸》作者:如果特朗普在大选中获胜,比特币将达到105,000美元。3. 美民主党最新一轮竞选筹款顺利,哈里斯概念Meme代币创历史新高。4. 贝莱德比特币现货ETF的流入量创下3月初以来最高纪录。5. 过去两周比特币矿业股市值增加数十亿美元。6. 以太坊现货ETF首日交易量突破10亿美元,灰度ETHE占近一半。7. 彭博分析师:美国以太坊ETF总起始资产资金额略低于103亿美元。8. 富达:以太坊于上个季度出现高通胀,总供应增加约11万枚ETH。9. 江苏省镇江市破获一起借虚拟币非法集资案,涉案金额4000余万元。10. 分析:以太坊现货ETF热度已被市场消化,投资者可能会迅速获利了结。11. 丰田正探索将以太坊区块链融入其车辆中。12. The ETF Store总裁:加密货币将证明自己是更好的投资交付工具。
Riot Platforms mined 255 bitcoins in June, up 19% from the previous month. Although the company mined only about half the amount of bitcoins in the same period last year, which is in line with expectations after the bitcoin halving event in April this year. Riot said in its filing that the company has exceeded its hashrate target of 21.4 EH/s in the second quarter, reaching 22.0 EH/s by the end of the month. Riot also announced that it received a $6.20 million electricity subsidy from the Texas ...