1Inch said in a post that the decentralized transaction aggregation protocol recently discovered phishing emails posing as official communications to lure users. These phishing emails are usually disguised as official communications and contain malicious links or attachments, which may endanger user safety. 1Inch advises users to take the following protective measures: verify the sender's email address; be vigilant for unusual content or urgent requests; avoid clicking on links from unknown sour...
1inch 发文表示,该去中心化交易聚合协议近期发现有钓鱼邮件冒充官方通讯诱骗用户。这些钓鱼邮件通常伪装成官方通讯,包含恶意链接或附件,可能会危及用户安全。 1inch 建议用户采取以下防护措施:验证发件人邮箱地址;警惕异常内容或紧急请求;避免点击未知来源链接;谨慎对待承诺空投或奖励的邮件。
According to Decurity's post-mortem report, after 1inch negotiated with the hackers, most of the $5 million stolen by the attack has been returned, and the hackers kept part of it as a bug bounty. The attack originated from a vulnerability in the Fusion v1 smart contract, which mainly affected the use of outdated versions of the parser. Ordinary user funds were not affected. According to a previous report by Odaily, 1inch discovered a vulnerability in the Fusion v1 smart contract on March 5, whi...
根据 Decurity 的事后报告,1inch 在与黑客协商后,遭攻击窃取的 500 万美元资金已被大部分归还,黑客保留了一部分作为漏洞赏金。此次攻击源于 Fusion v1 智能合约的漏洞,受影响的主要是使用过时版本的解析器,普通用户资金未受影响。 据 Odaily 此前报道,1inch 于 3 月 5 日发现 Fusion v1 智能合约存在漏洞,黑客利用该漏洞窃取资金。1inch 已呼吁相关解析器立即进...
SlowMist issued a security alert saying it detected suspicious transactions related to 1inch on March 5, with a loss of about $1 million. Previously, 1inch disclosed that its team discovered a vulnerability in a parser smart contract using an outdated Fusion v1 implementation on March 5.
慢雾发布安全警报称,其在 3 月 5 日检测到与 1inch 相关的可疑交易,损失金额约 100 万美元。 此前消息,1inch 披露其团队于 3 月 5 日发现了使用过时 Fusion v1 实现的解析器智能合约中的一个漏洞。
On March 7th, 1inch disclosed that its team discovered a vulnerability in parser smart contracts using outdated Fusion v1 implementations on March 5th. The vulnerability does not affect the security of end users' funds, but may affect those parsers that use Fusion v1 in their own contracts. While user funds are safe, 1inch is actively working with affected resolvers to ensure their systems are secure. The 1inch team urges all resolvers to audit and update their contracts immediately.
3月7日消息,1inch 披露其团队于 3 月 5 日发现了使用过时 Fusion v1 实现的解析器智能合约中的一个漏洞。该漏洞并未影响到终端用户的资金安全,但可能影响那些在自己的合约中使用 Fusion v1 的解析器。 尽管用户资金安全,但 1inch 正在积极与受影响的解析器合作,确保他们的系统安全。1inch 团队敦促所有解析器立即审计和更新他们的合约。
According to ai_9684xtpa monitoring, 1inch investment fund spent 1.14 million dollars to buy 4.70 million 1INCH, the average price of $0.2439.
据 ai_9684xtpa 监测,1inch 投资基金花费 114 万美元抄底买入 470 万枚1INCH,均价 0.2439 美元。
According to Spot On Chain, the 1inch investment fund bought another 7,289 ETH and 52.072 WBTC in the past hour. Yesterday's news, 1inch team investment fund spent 10 million USDC to buy 3257 ETH, buying an average price of $3070.
According to on-chain analyst Ember Monitoring, the 1inch team investment fund spent 10 million USDC to buy 3,257 ETH in the past 20 minutes, with an average price of about $3,070. The fund is not only active in the trading of 1INCH tokens, but also has multiple precision band ETH before, and maintains a high winning rate.