According to Coinglass data, or influenced by the news that "Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been allowed to leave France", the unpositioned squaring position of the TON futures contract on the whole network has increased by 62% in the past 24 hours, and is now reported at $162.74 million. The increase in unpositioned squaring positions often indicates greater price volatility. According to HTX market data, TON broke through $3.6 today and is now trading at $3.44, an increase of 17.12% in 24 ho...
据 Coinglass 数据显示,或受“Telegram 创始人 Pavel Durov 获准离开法国”消息影响,过去 24 小时全网 TON 期货合约未平仓头寸增长 62%,现报 1.6274 亿美元。未平仓头寸增长往往预示更大的价格波动。 另据 HTX 行情数据,TON 今日突破 3.6 美元,现报 3.44 美元,24 小时涨幅 17.12%。