News list for "0xmiir"

Jupiter has acquired SolanaFM, and former employee @0xmiir has joined the Jupiter team

Solana blockchain browser and indexing provider SolanaFM former employee @0xmiir announced on X to join the Jupiter operations team, focusing on user support and helping other new users join Jupiter. At the same time, it will speed up communication and create impactful content across Jupiter's different products. Jupiter recently announced that it has acquired SolanaFM and will focus on enhancing Jupiter's data and infrastructure capabilities.

2024-09-23 17:14:36

Solana 区块链浏览器和索引提供商 SolanaFM 前员工@0xmiir 于 X 宣布加入 Jupiter 运营团队,专注于用户支持和帮助其他新用户加入 Jupiter。与此同时,其将加快通信速度,并在 Jupiter 的不同产品上创建有影响力的内容。 近日,Jupiter 宣布已收购 SolanaFM,将专注于提高 Jupiter 的数据和基础设施能力。

2024-09-23 17:14:36