According to The Data Nerd, 36 days ago, Whale 0xa8b exchanged 9.9 cbBTC (about $896,000) for 1.913 million VIRTUAL. After that, he sold 1.026 million VIRTUAL for $2.70 million, making a profit of about $1.80 million. So far, he still holds 887,000 VIRTUAL, about $2.75 million. The expected total profit is about $4.56 million, and the return on investment is 5.1 times.
According to Arkham monitoring, Arthur Hayes address 0xA8... 506F withdrew 11.40 million ATH from OKX at 17:36 today, worth about 800,000 US dollars. This is the first time the address holds Aethir (ATH) tokens. Previously, Aethir was listed on Upbit and Bithumb, the first and second largest exchanges in South Korea, yesterday.