News list for "破产"



2025-02-26 23:21:43

2月17日消息,据@ai_9684xtpa监测,FTX破产拍卖的1120万枚SOL(价值约20.6亿美元)将于2025年3月1日解锁。此前,FTX通过三次拍卖出售了总计4100万枚SOL,主要买家及其回报率如下: Galaxy以每枚64美元的价格购买2552万枚,回报率达187%;Pantera及其他买家以每枚95美元的价格购买1367万枚,回报率为93%;Figure及其他买家以每枚102美元的价格购买180万枚,回报率为80%。

2025-02-17 07:27:15
Coinbase已就Prime Trust破产案提交法庭之友陈述,敦促法院支持对托管人客户资产

Coinbase 已就 Prime Trust 正在进行的破产案提交了一份法庭之友陈述,敦促法院支持对托管人持有的客户资产的法律保护。Coinbase 首席法务官 Paul Grewal 公布了这一文件,强调客户资产不应被纳入托管人的破产程序。 该公司主张执行《统一商法典》(UCC)第 8 条,该条款确保托管人持有的资产属于客户,而不是托管人自己。Co...

2025-02-06 00:06:17
债权人起诉FTX 破产管理人滥用资金支付豪华酒店与旅行费用

FTX 破产管理人因奢华开支遭到债权人 Lidia Favario 起诉。Favario 指出,破产管理人在处理 FTX 破产程序时的开支过于奢侈,包括高档酒店住宿和过高的交通费用。她提到,A&M 专业人员在纽约的豪华酒店住一晚花费 971.74 美元,并且有一位专业人员花费 1,733 美元打出租车。 此外,FTX 还支付了 2,683 美元让三辆出租车等待首席执行官 John Ray 的证词。Favario 呼吁法院...

2025-01-08 13:31:00

新西兰破产的加密交易所 Cryptopia 已向 1 万名验证账户持有人返还价值 4 亿新西兰元(约合 2.25 亿美元)的加密货币。 根据清算人的公开公告,比特币和狗狗币的账户持有人已经收到了他们的第一批加密货币分配。“在过去 48 小时内,超过 4 亿新西兰元的加密货币已在链上归还,”Cryptopia 清算人 Grant Thornton 指出。

2024-12-20 06:50:17

11月13日消息,据Forbes报道,FTX破产管理团队已针对多个实体发起23起诉讼,目标包括Binance、Anthony Scaramucci及其SkyBridge Capital、,以及由马克·扎克伯格支持的游说组织。这些诉讼旨在追回因FTX崩盘而损失的数十亿美元,其中针对Binance和前CEO赵长鹏的诉讼金额高达17.6亿美元。 诉讼文件指出,FTX创始人S...

2024-11-13 11:20:10
FTX 为追回资金已提起 23 项新诉讼,目标包括币安、SkyBridge Capital 等

11月13日消息,由于 FTX 的破产遗产管理方试图为债权人追回资金,已对 Binance、Anthony Scaramucci、SkyBridge Capital、,甚至马克·扎克伯格支持的游说团体 等机构发起了 23 项新的诉讼。 这些诉讼指控称,转移到这些组织的资金是 FTX 创始人 Sam Bankman-Fried 策划的更大规模“影响力购买活动”的一部分。根据诉讼文件,Bankman-Fried 通过赞助、...

2024-11-13 09:49:28
Alameda Research起诉Waves创始人,试图追回至少9000万美元

1月11日消息,据The Block报道,破产加密交易所FTX的交易子公司Alameda Research已对Waves及其附属实体的创始人Aleksandr Ivanov提起诉讼,试图追回至少9000万美元。Alameda在周日的一份文件中表示,它寻求转让Alameda和FTX破产案中债务人所拥有的价值9000万美元的资产,并补充称,Alameda此前已将这些资产存放在Waves...

2024-11-11 07:28:06

已破产的加密货币交易所 FTX 提起诉讼,要求追回其姊妹公司 Alameda Research 关联的 账户中的至少 1100 万美元。据悉,在 Alameda 宣布破产后 锁定了其账户,并拒绝了 FTX 管理员访问资金的请求,。 FTX 声称,在申请破产之前,Alameda 在 上注册了一个账户,账户名称为 Ka Yu Tin(又名 Nicole Tin)。据该公司称,这种做法在 Alameda 中很常见,...

2024-11-08 14:40:51
FTX 起诉Crypto.com要求追回与 Alameda 账户相关的至少 1140 万美元资金

破产重组中的 FTX 提起诉讼,试图从 追回至少 1140 万美元资金。这笔资金据称存放在一个与 FTX 姐妹公司 Alameda Research 有关的 账户中。根据诉讼文件,该账户以 Alameda 员工 Ka Yu Tin(又名 Nicole Tin)的名义注册。FTX 表示,这种做法是 Alameda 的惯常操作,目的是掩饰其交易活动。FTX 声称 Alameda 实际控制并注资该账户。 FTX 指出,尽管多次尝试并提供法院批准的文件,Crypto....

2024-11-08 14:28:46
加州吊销已破产加密借贷平台 BlockFi 的放贷牌照

加利福尼亚金融保护与创新部(DFPI)宣布永久吊销已破产的加密货币借贷平台 BlockFi 的放贷牌照。这一决定是在 BlockFi 申请破产两年后做出的。DFPI 于 2022 年 11 月暂停了 BlockFi 的牌照,此后对该公司进行了全面审查。 BlockFi 已同意接受牌照吊销,并承诺停止违规和不安全的业务行为。DFPI 原本对 BlockFi 处以 17.5 万美元罚款,但考虑到公司已破产且不再运营,为优先保...

2024-11-08 10:21:10

据余烬监测,已破产清算的加密借贷平台BlockFi在6小时前继续向CoinbasePrime转移了7,382枚ETH(1977万美元)。​​​ BlockFi在最近一天多的时间里向CoinbasePrime转移了19,449枚ETH(5146万美元)。

2024-10-31 01:41:09
BlockFi于5小时前将12,067枚ETH转进Coinbase Prime,约合3169万美元

据链上分析师余烬监测,已破产清算的加密借贷平台BlockFi在5小时前将12,067枚ETH(3169万美元)转进Coinbase Prime。

2024-10-30 01:14:32
FTX 以 2.28 亿美元和解针对 Bybit 交易所的诉讼

FTX 破产集团于10月24日提交了一份法律文件,同意与Bybit交易所达成2.28亿美元的和解协议,该诉讼最初由FTX破产集团于2023年提起,旨在收回资金以偿还前客户和债权人。 根据法律文件,和解协议将允许FTX提取Bybit上持有的1.75亿美元数字资产,并向 Bybit 交易所的投资部门Mirana Corp出售约5300万美元的BIT代币。

2024-10-27 18:38:16
美国法官驳回加密货币银行 Banq 的破产申请

去年申请破产的 Banq 的申请被一名美国法官驳回,该法官认为该申请是为了保护该公司及其高管免受债权人正在进行的诉讼。Banq 及其董事长 Jon Jiles 被债权人 N9 起诉,指控 Jiles 未能履行其受托责任。 审理此案的法官 Natalie M. Cox 称,该银行的破产申请是一种“恶意”策略,目的是“在未决诉讼中获得优势”而不是重组。 Cox 法官在裁决中写道,这项破产程序是为了保...

2024-10-14 09:01:45

7x24 Newsflash

13:24 2025-03-22
He Yi responded that "the project party that is about to place a coin will buy tickets for others": no one will be removed from the shelves next time.
He Yi, co-founder of Binance, posted a response on the X platform "Vote to list the coin: the project party can't list the coin to buy tickets for themselves, and vote to place the coin: the project party that is about to place the coin will buy tickets for others", she said: "No one will be removed from the shelves next time".
13:24 2025-03-22
This week, the US bitcoin spot ETF accumulated net inflows of $744.30 million
According to Farside monitoring data, the cumulative net inflow of Bitcoin spot ETFs in the United States this week was 744.30 million US dollars, and the five trading days were all net inflows of funds.
13:15 2025-03-22
Nansen analyst: If the tariff issue is resolved in early April, it will provide a positive catalyst for the crypto market
According to Cointelegraph, Nansen Research analyst Nicolai Sondergaard said that despite a large number of positive developments in the cryptocurrency space, global tariff concerns will continue to weigh on the market, and risk assets may lack direction until tariff-related issues are resolved, which could occur between April 2 and July. If the tariff issue is resolved, it will provide a positive catalyst for the market.
13:12 2025-03-22
PumpSwap's first day trading volume 668,000 USD, accounting for only 0.2% of Raydium
According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, PumpSwap performed as follows in the first 24 hours of its launch: Transaction volume: 668,000 USD, ranked 7th in Solana Ecosystem DEX; TVL (total lock-up value): $21.49 million; Compared to mainstream DEXs, PumpSwap is still relatively small in scale. The trading volume accounts for only 0.2% of Raydium, 0.04% of Uniswap, and 0.03% of PancakeSwap. TVL accounts for only 1.87% of Raydium, 0.54% of Uniswap, and 1.28% of PancakeSwap.
12:54 2025-03-22
dYdX Foundation: Currently holds about 6.20 million DYDX tokens that can be used for foundation commissions
The dYdX Foundation announced on the X platform that it has completed the DYDX pledge delegation rebalancing, aiming to support the security and resilience of the dYdX Chain and promote a more uniform distribution of active validators' pledge weights. According to the disclosure data, as of March 21, the dYdX Foundation had about 6.20 million DYDX tokens available for Foundation Delegation.
12:35 2025-03-22
SOL falls below $130
The market shows that SOL has fallen below $130 and is now quoted at $129.99, a 24-hour increase of 2.71%. The market is volatile, so please do a good job in risk control.
12:17 2025-03-22
Nansen analyst: If the tariff issue is resolved in early April, it will provide a positive catalyst for the crypto market
According to Cointelegraph, Nansen Research analyst Nicolai Sondergaard said that despite a large number of positive developments in the cryptocurrency space, global tariff concerns will continue to weigh on the market, and risk assets may lack direction until tariff-related issues are resolved, which could occur between April 2 and July. If the tariff issue is resolved, it will provide a positive catalyst for the market.
11:59 2025-03-22
Wintermute now holds about 7.688 million $MUBARAK
According to The Data Nerd in a post on the X platform, it is clear that Wintermute is a $MUBARAK market maker, and its wallet holds about 77.688 million $MUBARAK tokens, worth 966,000 dollars. In addition, Wintermute also holds: 164 billion $BABYDOGE, 18.82 billion $CAT, and 4.549 million $TUT.
11:33 2025-03-22
The Federal Reserve is talking about uncertainty, and the gold price correction may be a good thing? The US stagflation worries are lingering, and the dollar may be falling again! Trump's "Russian-Ukrainian chess game" is approaching the end? US stocks are wavering in the tariff war... Click to view...
The Federal Reserve is talking about uncertainty, and the gold price correction may be a good thing? The US stagflation worries are lingering, and the dollar may be falling again! Trump's "Russian-Ukrainian chess game" is approaching the end? US stocks are wavering in the tariff war... Click to view...
11:31 2025-03-22 Community is cautious about Bitcoin volatility, focusing on building a reasonable hedge structure macro researcher Adam released a Chinese community briefing, which pointed out that the community is cautious about Bitcoin volatility, and there is a lot of discussion about whether it will hit a new low. Members mainly focus on reasonably building a hedge structure and choosing a cost-effective option strategy, rather than simply predicting the direction of market ups and downs. In terms of option trading strategies, the community believes that it is important to choose an option s...
11:11 2025-03-22
The Russian Foreign Ministry: As Ukraine continues its crackdown on Russian energy facilities, Russia reserves the right to respond symmetrically.
The Russian Foreign Ministry: As Ukraine continues its crackdown on Russian energy facilities, Russia reserves the right to respond symmetrically.
10:55 2025-03-22
Riot Platforms announced the signing of a non-binding term sheet to acquire some of Rhodium's assets and reach a settlement agreement
According to an official announcement, Riot Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: RIOT) announced the signing of a non-binding list of terms under which its wholly-owned subsidiary, Whinstone US, Inc. (or its affiliates), intends to acquire certain assets of Rhodium Encore LLC (and its affiliates, "Rhodium") at Riot's Rockdale facility and has filed a motion to approve a settlement under Federal Rule 9019 of Bankruptcy Procedure in the Rhodium bankruptcy case. According to the terms list, upon completion of ...