News list for " velocore"

Velocore Releases Security Incident Update: Plans to Liquidate ZkSyncEra and Linea Upper Treasury, Immediately Open Claims

On July 24, Velocore released a security incident update, saying that it will liquidate the treasury on zkSyncEra and Linea before the available funds are further reduced to make up for user losses as soon as possible. Claims will be enabled directly on the homepage soon, please beware of such scam links. If stolen funds are recovered in the future through continued investigation, the current snapshot will be used for additional distribution. Velocore suffered a security bugs on June 2 that resu...

2024-07-24 18:33:40

7月24日消息,Velocore 发布安全事件更新,称将在可分配资金进一步减少之前清算 zkSyncEra 和 Linea 上的财库,以尽快弥补用户损失。 索赔将很快在主页上直接启用,请当心此类诈骗链接。如果今后通过继续调查追回被盗资金,目前的快照将用于追加分配。 此前消息,Velocore 于 6 月 2 日遭遇安全漏洞事件,导致损失价值约 680 万美元的 ETH。

2024-07-24 18:33:40
Velocore: Reviewing the contract to find another vulnerability and taking white hat action

On June 28th, Velocore said on the social platform that after the recent exploit incident, in order to prevent further losses, most of Velocore's functions were disabled, and only the withdrawal function was retained. Since the front-end exchange could not correct the imbalance of the stable pool and the off-anchor pool through arbitrage, additional losses were caused by LP. On the Linea chain, due to the fact that the administrator privileges of the Diamond Proxy contract have been...

2024-06-28 17:17:04

6月28日消息,Velocore 在社交平台上表示,在最近的漏洞利用事件后,为防止进一步损失,禁用了 Velocore 的大部分功能,仅保留取款功能。由于前端交换无法通过套利来纠正稳定池的不平衡和脱锚池,导致了 LP 的额外损失。 在 Linea 链上,由于 Diamond Proxy 合约的管理员权限已被...

2024-06-28 17:17:04
Velocore launched ZK airdrop application, and compensated users damaged by previous security incidents with all agreements

On June 19th, Velocore announced the launch of ZK airdrop application for ZKsync users on X. The official said that 100% of the agreement airdrop, plus 100,000 developer wallet airdrop distribution, will be added to the initial compensation pool. Although this may not be enough, when the funds are in place, they will continue to be injected into the compensation pool. Please refer to the official application website to beware of fraud.

2024-06-19 10:29:24


2024-06-19 10:29:24
Velocore Releases Security Incident Update: Snapshots of Affected Users

On June 4th, Velocore released an update on the X platform on the recent security incident, saying that the team is tracking with security partners and continuing to negotiate through on-chain messages. In addition, Velocore said it is taking a snapshot of voters and holders who suffered losses due to the sell-off. This snapshot will serve as a benchmark for future liquidations or restarts.

2024-06-04 17:56:19

6月4日消息,Velocore 在 X 平台就近期发生的安全事件发布更新,表示团队正在与安全合作伙伴进行跟踪,并通过链上消息继续进行协商。 此外,Velocore 表示正在对因抛售而遭受损失的投票者和持有者进行快照。此快照将作为将来清算或重新启动的基准。

2024-06-04 17:56:19
Cosine review of Linea's hack at Velocore: Such choices are understandable in the early days, but less likely later

In response to yesterday's incident in which Linea stopped producing blocks and suspended the sorter after being hacked by Velocore, the founder of SlowMist, Cosine, wrote on the X platform: "For an ecological project to be hacked and stop loss, and choose to suspend yourself and block the L2 of the relevant address, this choice is understandable in the early stage. The more impossible it is, the more impossible it needs to be. The challenge of security and trust is so great."

2024-06-03 13:04:14

针对昨日Linea在Velocore遭遇黑客攻击后一度停止出块,并暂停排序器运行事件,慢雾创始人余弦在X平台发文表示:“为一个生态项目被黑止损,而选择暂停自己并拉黑有关地址的 L2,这种抉择在初期可以理解,越往后越不可能,越需要不可能。安全与信任的挑战就是如此的大。”

2024-06-03 13:04:14
Velocore: If hackers return 90% of funds by 16:00 today, all investigations will be suspended

On June 3rd, zkSync Era and Linea's DEX protocol Velocore released a message on the chain saying that if the hacker returns 90% of the funds before 16:00 Beijing time today, it will suspend all investigations, and the remaining 10% of the funds will be used as a white hat bounty. Hackers can contact them at any time through Blockscan's secure channel. As of press time, the hacker has not yet replied.

2024-06-03 08:54:01

6月3日消息,zkSync Era和Linea上DEX协议Velocore发布链上消息称,若黑客于北京时间今日16:00前归还90%资金,其将暂停所有调查,剩余10%资金将作为白帽赏金。黑客可随时通过Blockscan的安全渠道与其联系。截至发稿前,黑客暂未做出回复。

2024-06-03 08:54:01
Velocore offers 10% white hat bounty to hackers

According to the information Velocore communicated with the hackers on the chain, if the hackers return the remaining funds before 16:00 Beijing time on June 3, they are willing to provide a 10% white hat bounty. The hackers have not yet responded.

2024-06-03 07:44:40


2024-06-03 07:44:40
Linea releases Velocore incident update: cyber security, affects only third-party DApps

Linea released the Velocore incident update on the X platform. Linea pointed out that the current cyber security only affects third-party DApps. The sorter was suspended due to the temporary inability to contact the Velocore team during the attack. Linea emphasizes that most L2s, including Linea, still rely on centralized technology operations that can be used to protect ecosystem participants. Linea's core value is a permissionless, censorship-free environment, so our decision was not taken lig...

2024-06-02 23:14:56