News list for " uyeda"

US senators urge SEC to reconsider crypto ETF pledges

US senators from both parties sent a letter to acting SEC Chairperson Mark Uyeda urging a reassessment of the issue of crypto ETF staking as important to blockchain security and investor interests. The letter was led by Republican Senator Cynthia Lummis and supported by Democratic Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Ron Wyden.

2025-02-21 19:00:49

美国两党参议员致信 SEC 代理主席 Mark Uyeda,敦促重新评估加密 ETF 质押(staking)问题,认为其对区块链安全和投资者利益具有重要作用。信件由共和党参议员 Cynthia Lummis 牵头,并获民主党参议员 Kirsten Gillibrand 和 Ron Wyden 支持。

2025-02-21 19:00:49
Hester Peirce will lead the SEC's newly established cryptocurrency working group

Mark Uyeda, acting chairperson of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), has established a cryptocurrency task force "dedicated to developing a comprehensive and clear regulatory framework for cryptocurrency assets". Commissioner Hester Peirce will lead the task force. The focus of the task force will be to help the Commission draw clear regulatory boundaries, provide a practical path to registration, develop a reasonable disclosure framework, and deploy enforcement resources wisely.

2025-01-21 19:28:16
Hester Peirce将领导美SEC新成立的加密货币工作组

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)代理主席Mark Uyeda成立加密货币特别工作组,“致力于为加密货币资产制定全面而明确的监管框架”。委员Hester Peirce将领导该工作组。工作组的重点将是帮助委员会划定明确的监管界限,提供切实可行的注册路径,制定合理的披露框架,明智地部署执法资源。

2025-01-21 19:28:16
SEC Acting Chairperson Mark Uyeda Announces the Establishment of a New Crypto Working Group

According to market news, acting SEC Chairperson Mark Uyeda has announced the establishment of a new crypto task force.

2025-01-21 17:51:26
美SEC代理主席Mark Uyeda宣布成立新的加密工作组

据市场消息,美国 SEC 代理主席 Mark Uyeda 宣布成立新的加密工作组。

2025-01-21 17:51:26
White House: Mark Uyeda to serve as acting SEC chairperson

The new appointment document released by the White House shows that Mark Uyeda will serve as the acting chairperson of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). It is reported that Uyeda is a Republican member and has served as an SEC commissioner since June 30, 2022. Before becoming an SEC commissioner, Uyeda served at the SEC for more than 15 years. FOX Business previously reported that Mark Uyeda wants to help Trump fulfill his promise to end the Biden administration's so-called "cryptocurren...

2025-01-20 22:15:41
SEC Chair Candidate Mark Uyeda Calls for Crypto "Regulatory Sandbox"

In an interview, Mark Uyeda, commissioner of the US Securities Supervision Commission (SEC), advocated for the establishment of "regulatory sandboxes" and "safe harbors" to promote innovation in the crypto industry. He stressed that the so-called "war on cryptocurrencies" should be ended to provide clearer regulatory guidance to the market. Uyeda, one of the Trump administration's potential nominees for SEC chairperson, advocates for a comprehensive industry framework through collaboration betwe...

2024-11-24 00:58:33
美SEC主席候选人Mark Uyeda呼吁设立加密“监管沙盒”

美国证监会(SEC)委员马克·乌耶达(Mark Uyeda)在接受采访时倡导设立“监管沙盒”和“安全港”以推动加密行业创新。他强调,应结束所谓的“对加密货币的战争”,为市场提供更明确的监管指引。Uyeda是特朗普政府潜在的SEC主席提名人选之一,他主张通过国会、白宫和监管机构的合作制定全面的行业框架。

2024-11-24 00:58:33
SEC Commissioner Urges U.S. to Learn from Cryptocurrency Leaders in the Indo-Pacific Region

Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Commissioner Mark T. Uyeda urged the United States to take a more proactive approach to cryptocurrency regulation, noting that Indo-Pacific countries such as Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong have taken the lead. He emphasized that these countries have clear frameworks that promote innovation while protecting investors, while the United States has left market participants mired in uncertainty due to unclear guidelines.

2024-10-25 04:39:21

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)委员Mark T. Uyeda敦促美国采取更积极主动的加密货币监管方式,并指出日本、新加坡和香港等印度太平洋国家发挥了领导作用。他强调,这些国家制定了明确的框架,在保护投资者的同时促进创新,而美国则因为指导方针不明确而让市场参与者陷入不确定性的泥潭。

2024-10-25 04:39:21
SEC Commissioner Mark Uyeda Criticizes SEC's Crypto Policies as a "Disaster"

Mark Uyeda, a commissioner at the Securities Exchange Commission, said the way the commission regulated cryptocurrencies was a "disaster" and that the agency had "done nothing" to clarify the rules.

2024-10-11 02:04:08
SEC委员Mark Uyeda批评SEC的加密政策是一场“灾难”

美国证券交易委员会委员马克·乌耶达 (Mark Uyeda) 表示,该委员会对加密货币的监管方式是一场“灾难”,并且该机构“没有采取任何措施”来澄清规则。

2024-10-11 02:04:08
SEC Commissioner Mark Uyeda: SEC's crypto policies and methods are a "disaster" for the entire crypto industry

SEC Commissioner Mark Uyeda said in a Fox Business News interview that the agency's crypto policies and methods "have been a real disaster for the industry over the last few years." Asked what different steps the S.E.C. could or should take, Mr. Uyeda said, "There needs to be some clear guidance and explanation of what is and is not covered by securities law."

2024-10-10 19:02:03
美SEC专员Mark Uyeda:SEC的加密政策和方法对整个加密行业是一场“灾难”

美SEC专员Mark Uyeda在福克斯商业新闻采访中表示,该机构的加密政策和方法“在过去几年里对整个行业来说真的是一场灾难”。 当被问及SEC可以或应该采取哪些不同措施时,Uyeda表示,“需要制定一些明确的指导和解释,说明哪些行为属于证券法的范畴,哪些行为不属于证券法的范畴。”

2024-10-10 19:02:03

7x24 Newsflash

00:30 2025-03-28
00:27 2025-03-28
3月28日消息,据Hyperliquid公告,因JELLY市场异常交易事件,持有JELLY多头头寸的用户将在结算时按0.037555的价格获得补偿,除标记地址外,此次补偿对所有JELLY交易者均有利。Hyperliquid已加强风险管理,包括: • HLP Liquidator管理: 设置更严格的账户价值上限,减少再平衡频率,并引入更复杂的回购清算逻辑。Liquidator若损失超出...
00:21 2025-03-28
专注于人工智能的云服务公司CoreWeave成功完成首次公开募股(IPO),以每股40美元的价格筹集15亿美元,公司估值达到约230亿美元。由于股市低迷,公司将IPO规模从最初计划的4900万股(每股47-55美元)缩减至3750万股。 AI巨头Nvidia作为CoreWeave的投资者,在此次IPO中认购了价值2.5亿美元的股份,加强了其在该AI云服务公司的持股地位。CoreWeave与比特币矿企CoreSci...
00:21 2025-03-28
美国个人投资者协会的调查显示,对美股的看跌情绪连续第五周超过50%。根据Bespoke Investment Group,这创下自1987年开始这项调查问卷以来持续时间第二长的连续看跌记录。本周早些时候高盛的数据显示,对冲基金对美国个股的净卖出规模达到七周以来最高水平,其中做空操作超过做多买入。(金十)
00:18 2025-03-28
3 月 28 日消息,据 Bitcoin Laws 披露,南卡罗来纳州比特币储备法案(H4256 法案)将允许州财政部长将州资金的 10% 投资于比特币。比特币储备的上限为 100 万枚 BTC。该法案由众议员 Jordan Pace 提出。
00:12 2025-03-28
00:12 2025-03-28
405,353枚SOL从未知钱包转入Coinbase Institutional,价值超5600万美元
据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间上午8:05左右,405,353枚SOL(56,011,998美元)从未知钱包转入Coinbase Institutional。
00:12 2025-03-28
00:09 2025-03-28
00:00 2025-03-28
1.Abound完成1400万美元融资; 2.Arcium完成天使轮融资,总融资额达1100万美元; 3.De Charge 完成 250 万美元种子轮融资,Lemniscap 领投; 4.Warlock Labs完成800万美元融资,Polychain Capital领投; 5.AI 代理项目 Capx AI 完成 314 万美元种子轮融资,Manifold 等领投。
23:29 2025-03-27
福克斯记者Eleanor Terrett发推表示,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)已正式结束对Crypto.com的调查,并未对该交易所采取任何执法行动。消息人士透露,Crypto.com在去年10月收到SEC的威尔斯通知后,曾主动起诉SEC,指控其越权。但在2024年12月,美国前总统特朗普宣布计划任命支持加密货币的Paul Atkins接替Gensler担任下一任SEC主席后,Crypto.com撤回了该诉讼。
23:26 2025-03-27
金色晨讯 | 3月28日隔夜重要动态一览
21:00-7:00关键词:GUNZ、Maven 11、Paul Atkins、Pectra 1.Coinbase宣布开源MPC加密库; 2.币安Launchpool上线GUNZ(GUN); 3.加密风投Maven 11旗下第三只基金完成1.07亿美元募资; 4.美SEC正式撤销对Kraken、Consensys及Cumberland的诉讼; 5.美SEC候任主席Paul Atkins:若提名得到确认将会与DOGE合作; 6.法国国有银行Bpifrance推出2500万欧元基金,用于投资法国新兴加密代币; 7.以太坊核心开发者 Terence:...