News list for " solidion"

Nasdaq-listed company Solidion Technolog announces the execution of a bitcoin enterprise financial strategy

Nasdaq battery material supplier listed company Solidion Technolog announced the implementation of the Bitcoin enterprise financial strategy, intends to allocate its additional capital reserves to Bitcoin, the company said it plans to use 60% of the excess cash generated by the operation to purchase Bitcoin, and will convert the interest income of cash held in the money market account into Bitcoin, and also promised to raise funds to acquire more Bitcoin in the future, is expected to earmark a c...

2024-11-15 14:54:37
纳斯达克上市公司Solidion Technolog宣布执行比特币企业财务战略

纳斯达克电池材料供应商上市公司Solidion Technolog宣布执行比特币企业财务战略,拟将其额外资金储备分配给比特币,该公司称计划将把运营产生的60%的超额现金用于购买比特币,并且将把货币市场账户中持有的现金的利息收入转换为比特币,而且还承诺未来筹集资金以收购更多比特币,预计会指定一定比例的资金用于长期持有的比特币收购。

2024-11-15 14:54:37