News list for " skynet"

Decentralized AI Agent Payment Protocol Skynet Completes $1.20 million Pre-Seed Round of Funding

Skynet, a decentralized AI proxy payment protocol, completed a $1.20 million Pre-Seed round of financing, with GitHub, Polygon, Veracode, and others participating. It is reported that Skynet's infrastructure is built on Arbitrum's Orbit chain, providing payment and tracking mechanisms that enable artificial intelligence agents to complete real-life tasks, including booking flights, managing accommodation, and processing financial portfolios.

2024-12-19 23:47:24

去中心化 AI 代理支付协议 Skynet 完成 120 万美元 Pre-Seed 轮融资,GitHub、Polygon、Veracode 等参投。据悉 Skynet 的基础设施建立在 Arbitrum 的 Orbit 链上,提供支付和跟踪机制,使得人工智能代理能够完成现实生活中的任务,包括预订航班、管理住宿和处理金融投资组合。

2024-12-19 23:47:24
数字资产市场服务提供商Skynet Trading完成新一轮融资

数字资产市场的交易、软件、咨询和投资公司Skynet Trading宣布完成新一轮融资,Seier Capital和Edessa Capital 参投,具体金额和估值数据暂未披露。Skynet Trading 是一家专注于数字资产市场的算法交易和投资公司,旨在利用先进的算法和市场洞察力,在快节奏的数字资产世界中优化交易策略并为客户实现回报最大化。

2024-04-19 22:05:37