News list for " shnayderman"

OpenSea users drop securities lawsuit after market demands arbitration

Anthony Shnayderman and Itai Bronshtein filed a motion in federal court in Florida on November 7 to voluntarily withdraw their securities lawsuit against Ozone Networks, which does business under the name OpenSea, after Judge Cecilia Altonaga, in an order last month, allowed OpenSea to file a motion to force the pair to arbitration. OpenSea insists it will force the two users to arbitrate, claiming in an October filing that they agreed to its...

2024-11-11 10:53:17
市场要求仲裁后 OpenSea 用户放弃证券诉讼

11月7日,Anthony Shnayderman和Itai Bronshtein向佛罗里达州联邦法院提交了自愿撤回对Ozone Networks(以OpenSea的名义开展业务)的证券诉讼的申请。此前,法官Cecilia Altonaga在上个月的命令中允许OpenSea提出动议,强制这两人进行仲裁。 OpenSea坚称将强制这两名用户进行仲裁,并在10月份的一份文件中声称,他们同意其...

2024-11-11 10:53:17