News list for " schaback"

Paxful co-founder Artur Schaback has reached a plea deal with US prosecutors and could face up to five years in prison

Paxful co-founder and former head of technology Artur Schaback pleaded guilty Monday to conspiring to fail to maintain an effective anti-money laundering (AML) program at a cryptocurrency exchange and faces up to five years in prison. Schaback, the exchange's former chief technology officer, is scheduled to be sentenced on Nov. 4 and will resign from Paxful's board of directors, the Department of Justice said on July 8. A plea agreement filed in California District Court on the same day shows th...

2024-07-09 06:24:20
Paxful联创始Artur Schaback与美国检察官达成认罪协议,或面临五年监禁

Paxful 联合创始人兼前技术主管Artur Schaback周一认罪,承认密谋在加密货币交易所未能维持有效的反洗钱(AML)计划,将面临最高五年的监禁。美国司法部7月8日表示,该交易所前首席技术官Schaback定于11月4日被判刑,并将辞去Paxful董事会职务。同一天提交给加州地方法院的认罪协议显示,政府检察官同意对Schaback处以500万美元的罚款,Schaback将分三期偿还10...

2024-07-09 06:24:20