On January 22nd, according to Slow Mist Cosine's post on x, according to @realScamSniffer's feedback, the recent phishing fraud in the Solana ecosystem has shifted to stealing mnemonic words. With a large number of new users flooding into the Solana ecosystem, these users have become the main victims and suffered serious losses in capital.
1月22日消息,据慢雾余弦在 x 发文,据 @realScamSniffer 反馈,近期 Solana 生态中的钓鱼诈骗手法已转向以窃取助记词为主。随着大量新用户涌入 Solana 生态,这些用户成为主要受害群体,遭受严重的资金损失。
According to ScamSniffer, two hours ago, a victim lost $60,013 worth of USUAL by copying the wrong CEX deposit address from a "tainted" transfer record.
According to ScamSniffer, 30 minutes ago, a victim lost $1.41 million after signing a phishing approval transaction. Remind users to interact with unfamiliar contracts cautiously, be vigilant, and pay attention to asset protection.
据 ScamSniffer 监测,30 分钟前,一名受害者在签署网络钓鱼批准交易后损失 141 万美元。 提醒用户:谨慎与陌生合约交互,提高警惕并注意资产保护。
According to ScamSniffer, 18 minutes ago, a user lost 11 ETH, worth $26,280, due to copying the wrong address from a tainted transfer record, reminding users not to copy addresses from the transfer history.
According to ScamSniffer, more than 10,000 addresses lost about $46 million to phishing scams in September. In the third quarter of 2024, phishing losses totaled $127 million, with an average of 11,000 victims per month. Two primary victims accounted for $87 million.
According to ScamSniffer, in the past 5 hours, two more users have lost $172,000 by copying the wrong address in the tainted transfer record, including one who copied the wrong address after withdrawing money from Coinbase. Users are asked not to copy addresses from transfer history.
One victim lost $397,831 by signing a "setOwner" phishing signature that changed ownership of his DSProxy, ScamSniffer said in an X post. Earlier, ScamSniffer reported in August that crypto phishing lost $63 million in August, with one victim losing up to $55 million in a proxy ownership scam.
ScamSniffer 于 X 平台发文表示,一名受害者因签署“setOwner”网络钓鱼签名而损失了 397831 美元,该签名改变了其 DSProxy 的所有权。 此前消息,ScamSniffer 8 月报告显示,8 月加密钓鱼诈损失 6300 万美元,其中一名受害者在针对代理所有权诈骗中损失高达 5500 万美元。
According to ScamSniffer, about eight minutes ago, a user lost $137,673 for signing a "permit" phishing signature.