News list for " sbhstudio"

ArtReview has collected 75 exclusive works from the crypto art project Self-miracle published by Genify

On November 14th, ArtReview has collected 75 exclusive works from the crypto art project "Self-miracle" created by Cheng Ran and SBHStudio. The project is jointly curated by Genify and the K11 Art Foundation and fuses innovative expressions of art, technology and blockchain. ArtReview is an international contemporary art magazine headquartered in London, founded in 1948. Its sister publication, ArtReview Asia, was launched in 2013. To celebrate its 75th anniversary, ArtReview announced at the ev...

2024-11-14 10:16:14

11月14日消息,ArtReview已收藏了由程然(ChengRan)和SBHStudio创作的加密艺术项目《Self-miracle》中的75张独家作品。该项目由Genify和K11 Art Foundation联合策展,融合了艺术、科技与区块链的创新表达。 ArtReview是一本总部位于伦敦的国际当代艺术杂志,创立于1948年。其姊妹刊物《ArtReview Asia》于2013年创办。ArtReview为了纪念其创办75周年,在活动晚宴中宣布收藏了75张来自Genify与...

2024-11-14 10:16:14