Paul Brigner, founder of Pretty Good Policy for Crypto (PGP), a crypto advocacy platform, has announced that he has joined Coinbase as head of the Coinbase Institute. Brigner will work under Faryar Shirzad, Coinbase's chief policy officer, while continuing to lead some of PGP's businesses. Brigner also joined Electric Coin Co's Bootstrap program board, where he previously served as vice president of strategic alliances and head of policy and strategic advocacy for Electric Coin Co. Coinbase Inst...
加密倡导平台Pretty Good Policy for Crypto(PGP)创始人Paul Brigner宣布已加入Coinbase担任Coinbase Institute负责人。Brigner将在Coinbase的首席政策官Faryar Shirzad的领导下工作,同时仍将继续领导PGP的某些业务。Brigner还加入了Electric Coin Co的Bootstrap项目董事会,此前他曾担任Electric Coin Co的战略联盟副总裁以及政策和战略宣传负责人。 Coinbase Institute成立于2022年5月,是一...