News list for " officials said"

According to CNBC, a senior U.S. administration official said that the document on raising tariffs on Canada has not been signed.

According to CNBC, a senior U.S. administration official said that the document on raising tariffs on Canada has not been signed.

2025-03-11 15:26:53
According to the British Financial Times: The European Union Commission will agree next week to explore raising import restrictions on certain foods produced according to different standards, a move that will increase tensions between the European Union and its trading partners. Early targets could...

According to the British Financial Times: The European Union Commission will agree next week to explore raising import restrictions on certain foods produced according to different standards, a move that will increase tensions between the European Union and its trading partners. Early targets could include U.S. crops such as soybeans, which are grown with pesticides that European Union farmers are not allowed to use.

2025-02-16 05:05:03
Russian officials say a US Ranger has been killed in Russia

On November 20th, Kadyrov, the chief executive of the Russian Republic of Chechnya, announced on the 19th that Russian security forces killed a team of foreign saboteurs planning to carry out sabotage activities in Russia in Bryansk Oblast at the end of October. One of those killed is believed to be the person who was photographed during a meeting between US President Biden and a member of a secret force in Israel a year ago. At the time, the photo was tried by the White House to delete. Kadyrov...

2024-11-19 20:42:55
The election results in Pennsylvania and Michigan are expected to be released sooner than in 2020

Pennsylvania and Michigan officials said the vote count was expected to be faster than in 2020, with Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania governor, predicting faster results than in the last election because of fewer applications for postal ballots and new laws requiring uninterrupted counting. Jocelyn Benson, Michigan secretary of state, predicted record turnout and that the count could be completed at midnight on Tuesday, ahead of 2020.

2024-11-05 21:43:40
New ballots are being sent to polling stations in Cumbria County, Pennsylvania

Senior officials in Cumbria County, Pennsylvania, said a voting malfunction at a polling station this morning was caused by a typographical error, and new ballots were en route to the polling place.

2024-11-05 19:58:06
According to the Wall Street Journal, U.S. officials said Sunday that the Biden administration is planning to send a THAAD anti-missile system to Israel and have the system operated by U.S. forces to strengthen the defenses of its key Middle Eastern ally.

According to the Wall Street Journal, U.S. officials said Sunday that the Biden administration is planning to send a THAAD anti-missile system to Israel and have the system operated by U.S. forces to strengthen the defenses of its key Middle Eastern ally.

2024-10-13 15:00:30
Telegram CEO was officially filed, bail 5 million euros prohibited from leaving the law

Telegram's chief executive, Pavel Durov, has been placed under investigation after four days of questioning by French police, according to prosecutors in Paris. Mr. Durov was released under judicial supervision on the condition that he pay 5 million euros bail and be banned from leaving France.

2024-08-28 19:57:02
French officials: Telegram CEO will face potential charges and will be sent to court to stand trial

French officials said Pavel Durov, CEO of social platform Telegram, would face potential charges. Durov will be taken to court to stand trial after being detained.

2024-08-28 13:21:17
According to TASS: Russian security officials say Ukraine destroyed a bridge over the Sem River in Russia's Kursk region. The destruction of the bridge cut off roads in parts of the area, making it more difficult to evacuate civilians.

According to TASS: Russian security officials say Ukraine destroyed a bridge over the Sem River in Russia's Kursk region. The destruction of the bridge cut off roads in parts of the area, making it more difficult to evacuate civilians.

2024-08-16 15:49:06

7x24 Newsflash

22:28 2025-03-26
22:28 2025-03-26
据CME“美联储观察”: 美联储5月维持利率不变的概率为86.4%,降息25个基点的概率为13.6%。美联储到6月维持利率不变的概率为33.6%,累计降息25个基点的概率为58.1%,累计降息50个基点的概率为8.3%。
22:00 2025-03-26
21:54 2025-03-26
21:30 2025-03-26
21:27 2025-03-26
Amitis Capital 数字资产首席投资官 Chris Solarz 表示,现在是加密对冲基金投资的黄金时代。 Solarz 指出,加密市场仍处于早期阶段,基金经理甚至能沿用 35 年前传统金融(TradFi)对冲基金刚兴起时的交易策略。 Solarz 认为,在加密技术完全融入金融体系前,不对称机会将持续存在。就像如今没人会自称是互联网公司员工一样,终有一天加密将不再被视为...
21:00 2025-03-26
Bitwise CIO:现在是历史上以风险调整后的价格购Bitcoin的最佳时机
Bitwise 首席投资官Matt Hougan 表示,现在是历史上以风险调整后的价格购 Bitcoin 的最佳时机,因为几乎所有的生存威胁(包括监管)都已被消除。随着美国建立战略比特币储备,Hougan 认为,最后一个主要风险已转变为长期验证。
20:50 2025-03-26
20:50 2025-03-26
美国众议院金融服务委员会主席 French Hill 在华盛顿举行的区块链峰会上表示,新版加密市场结构法案修订草案将在未来几天公布,这是去年众议院通过的‘21世纪金融创新与技术法案’(FIT21)的更新版本。该法案尚未在本届国会正式提出,但去年曾在众议院获得通过,71 名民主党议员支持,包括前议长南希·佩洛西。Hil...
20:47 2025-03-26
GameStop 宣布,计划面向符合资格的机构投资者,私募发行总额为 13 亿美元的 0.00% 可转换优先票据(2030 年到期)。根据市场情况,公司还可授权初始购买方在 13 天内追加最多 2 亿美元票据的购买。GameStop 表示,募集所得资金将用于一般企业用途,包括根据公司投资政策购入比特币。
20:47 2025-03-26
Manus:将举行线下活动 正努力让更多人用上Manus
20:41 2025-03-26