News list for " nyc"

Monad announces the first batch of Monad Madness NYC candidacy projects, a total of 20 projects will be offline roadshows

On September 25th, Monad announced the first batch of Monad Madness NYC projects, a total of 20 projects will be held offline roadshows from October 2nd to 4th, covering different tracks such as DEX, games, and AI. The "Monad Madness" Startup Roadshow Competition has a total prize money of $1 million. The competition will select 20 teams to compete for each competition location, and more than 60 venture capital institutions will watch the roadshow. Monad says this will be the biggest stage for a...

2024-09-25 10:57:34
Monad公布首批Monad Madness NYC参选项目,共20个项目将进行线下路演

9 月 25 日消息,Monad 宣布首批 Monad Madness NYC 参选项目,共计 20 个项目将于 10 月 2 日至 4 日进行线下路演,路演项目涵盖 DEX,游戏,AI 等不同赛道。 "Monad Madness"创业路演大赛总奖金达 100 万美元。该比赛将为每个比赛地点选择 20 个团队参与竞争,超过 60 家风险投资机构将观看路演。Monad 表示,这将是任何在其平台上构建项目的团队所能获得的最大舞台。比赛的详细信...

2024-09-25 10:57:34
Market news: New York Community Bank (NYCB. N) will sell about $5 billion in warehouse loans to JPMorgan Chase in a deal that will increase its Tier 1 common equity capital ratio by 65 basis points.

Market news: New York Community Bank (NYCB. N) will sell about $5 billion in warehouse loans to JPMorgan Chase in a deal that will increase its Tier 1 common equity capital ratio by 65 basis points.

2024-05-15 06:37:27


2024-05-15 06:37:27