News list for " new district"

Analysis: Uniswap's launch of Unichain could cost Ethereum network validators about $4 to $500 million per year

Uniswap Labs recently announced the launch of its new blockchain, Unichain, and Uniswap has long been a key driver of activity on the Ethereum mainnet. As Uniswap transitions to its own chain, validators on the Ethereum network could lose around $400 million to $500 million a year in revenue. But even more serious than this economic loss, it threatens Ethereum's fundamental narrative as a deflationary currency. Uniswap's universal router is the number one account for consuming gas fees, accounti...

2024-12-05 15:14:17
Shandong police cracked a case of using virtual currency to open a casino, seizing more than 10 million yuan in funds involved

According to the official account of Linyi Hedong, in early 2023, the Yihe New District Branch of Linyi Public Security Bureau found an APP suspected of gambling in its work, and the funds were huge. After investigation, the APP was developed by Zhao at the instigation of the alleged offender, Shi Moumou used himself and his family to open multiple fund pool accounts, members used virtual currency to exchange chips in the APP, and conducted online gambling by guessing the rise and fall of virtua...

2024-09-23 15:16:26
Chongqing police cracked a virtual currency theft case involving 400,000 yuan

Recently, police in Liangjiang New District in Chongqing cracked a virtual currency theft case and arrested three alleged offenders. At the end of June this year, Liangjiang New District Branch Tiangong Police Station received a report from a technology company in the area, saying that more than 2.6 million BLAST coins (a virtual currency) in the company's account were lost, worth about RMB 400,000 yuan. According to the clues provided by the informant, the police deeply analyzed the transaction...

2024-09-20 06:40:38
Chongqing police cracked a virtual currency theft case involving about 400,000 yuan

The Liangjiang New District Branch of the Chongqing Public Security Bureau successfully detected a virtual currency theft case involving about 400,000 yuan and arrested 3 alleged offenders. The case began at the end of June 2024. The Tiangong Police Station of the Liangjiang New District Branch received a report from a technology company in the area, saying that more than 2.6 million BLAST tokens (a virtual currency) were stolen from the company's account. The police passed the...

2024-09-19 11:35:06
Google Cloud has launched a new blockchain RPC service that now supports the Ethereum mainnet and testnet

According to the official blog of Google Cloud, Google Cloud has launched a new blockchain RPC service designed to help Web3 developers build and scale decentralized applications faster. The service is based on Google's infrastructure and provides a reliable, scalable and cost-effective solution that simplifies the complexity of node management. Google Cloud's Blockchain RPC now supports the Ethereum mainnet and testnet, and will be expanded to several other chains next year. Developers can enjo...

2024-09-18 04:18:48
Worldcoin's new project, World Chain, has announced its new integration project

On September 3rd, the Worldcoin project's new blockchain, World Chain, announced a number of important integrations as the main network was about to go live. Recently announced cooperation projects include: Dora is a unified search engine that provides comprehensive block explorers and search solutions to help enhance the accessibility of on-chain data in a multi-chain world. Hyperlane is an open interoperability framework that can be used in...

2024-09-03 06:21:28
Tongchuan Public Security Bureau released a fraud-related case of virtual currency claim announcement

Tongchuan City Public Security Bureau New District Branch issued an announcement, in the investigation of a fraud case according to law, found that the alleged offender Chen and others have long been engaged in helping information network crime activities, Tian cheated funds in the form of virtual currency (USDT) into the registered person Chen and other six TokenPocket wallet, the bureau according to the law of Chen and others 6 TokenPocket accounts were frozen. At present, the USDT coins ident...

2024-08-07 10:42:12

7x24 Newsflash

02:58 2025-03-28
02:58 2025-03-28
02:40 2025-03-28
美SEC专员Hester Peirce:加密工作组欢迎合理的豁免和不采取执法行动申请
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)举行首次加密货币圆桌会议后,专员Hester Peirce分享了一些要点,她指出美国证券交易委员会需要将加密交易与资产分开考虑,许多加密资产本身并不是证券,但用于融资目的的加密资产的主要发行是证券交易,因此,美SEC愿意接受有关如何以注册或豁免交易的形式进行此类发行的询问,加密工作组欢迎合理的不采取行动函或豁免救济请求(Task Force welcomes well-reasoned requests f...
02:37 2025-03-28
据The Information报道,三位知情人士透露,Manus AI的团队正在与包括美国风投机构在内的潜在投资者进行谈判,计划以至少 5亿美元(约合 37.5 亿人民币)的估值进行新一轮融资,这一估值比之前的估值增长了约五倍。 报道称,Manus使用Anthropic的Claude AI模型等工具,平均每项任务需向Anthropic支付2美元。新一轮融资可能使Manus向更多用户开放。对此消息,蝴蝶效应公司方面...
02:37 2025-03-28
02:25 2025-03-28
02:25 2025-03-28
02:19 2025-03-28
Sonic宣布即将推出 SonicCS 2.0
Sonic Labs 在 X 平台发文宣布即将推出 SonicCS 2.0 协议,这是一个全新共识协议,能够实现共识速度提高 2 倍减少 68%的内存。 此外,Sonic Labs(Fantom)联合创始人 Andre Cronje 表示,“在 SonicCS 2.0 协议更新前我们不会停止提高性能,直到达到物理极限”。
02:16 2025-03-28
Santiment于X平台发文表示,根据X、Reddit、Telegram、4Chan、BitcoinTalk和Farcaster等平台的数据,以下是交易者兴趣增长最快的加密货币: ...
01:58 2025-03-28
01:52 2025-03-28
总部位于旧金山的初创公司Yutori已筹集1500万美元资金,用于开发人工智能个人助理。 此轮融资于2025年3月27日宣布,由Radical Ventures的Rob Toews领投,Felicis、人工智能专家李飞飞和谷歌DeepMind首席科学家Jeff Dean参与。
01:49 2025-03-28
Meteora:下一阶段将专注于Launchpads并推出Meteora Launch Guide
3月28日消息,Meteora官方在X平台发布公告称,Meteora下一阶段将专注于帮助Launchpads(启动平台)取得成功,并推出Meteora Launch Guide,作为技术支持核心,整合相关资源和教育内容,帮助开发者和流动性提供者(LP Army)深入理解Meteora技术。 Meteora Launch Guide将涵盖不同工具的使用方式(如DLMM、Dynamic AMM、Stake2earn等)、持续更新的案例研究(如$JUP、$CLOUD等)以及面向开发者的...