According to security firm vx-underground monitoring, cybercriminals impersonated Ross Ulbricht, founder of the dark web marketplace Silk Road, on the X platform to lure users into a Telegram scam, thereby infecting malicious software on the device, according to Mario Nawfal, founder and CEO of IBC Group. This "Click-Fix" attack tricked victims into running PowerShell scripts, leading to data theft and potential ransomware attacks. Just a few days ago, Trump pardoned Ulbricht, triggering a new w...
据IBC Group创始人兼首席执行官Mario Nawfal发布提醒称,根据安全公司vx-underground监测,网络犯罪分子在X平台上冒充暗网市场丝绸之路创始人Ross Ulbricht,诱使用户陷入Telegram骗局,从而感染设备上的恶意软件。这种“Click-Fix”攻击诱骗受害者运行PowerShell脚本,导致数据被盗和潜在的勒索软件攻击。就在几天前,特朗普赦免了Ulbricht,引发了与其名字相关的新一轮网络犯罪活动。...
According to IBC Group founder Mario Nawfal, xAI is testing a standalone iOS app called Grok, which provides AI-driven real-time data access to X users. Grok is currently in beta in Australia and some countries, allowing users to access real-time data from the web and X platform through the app.
Famous KOLMario Nawfal said in a post on X that Telegram founder Pavel Durov is scheduled to appear before a judge on Saturday night local time to face multiple charges related to terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering and child abuse. French media reported that Durov, who holds dual French and Russian citizenship, could face up to 20 years in prison. He was arrested for Telegram's lack of content moderation and his failure to co-operate with French law enforcement on charges stemm...