At the close of the afternoon, the main contracts of domestic futures rose more and fell less. Coking coal, coke, palm oil, soda ash, iron ore rose more than 2%, Shanghai nickel, rapeseed meal, No. 20 rubber rose more than 1%; in terms of decline, Consolidated European Line fell nearly 3%, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fell more than 1%.
At the close of afternoon, the main contracts of domestic futures rose and fell. Manganese silicon rose more than 7%, container shipping European line rose more than 5%, Shanghai nickel rose more than 3%, red dates, logs, soybean oil rose more than 2%. In terms of decline, eggs fell more than 2%, rapeseed meal, styrene (EB) fell nearly 2%.
At the close of noon, the main contracts of domestic futures rose more and fell less. Consolidated European line rose more than 5%, apple rose more than 4%, caustic soda, industrial silicon rose more than 3%, cotton yarn, stainless steel (SS), coke, palm oil rose more than 2%; in terms of decline, glass, fuel oil fell nearly 2%, SC crude oil, PTA, soda ash, PX fell more than 1%.
The Hang Seng Technology Index fell in late afternoon trading, narrowing gains to 0.14 per cent.
At the close of afternoon, the main contracts of domestic futures were mixed. Manganese silicon rose by more than 4%, SC crude oil, caustic soda, No. 20 rubber, rapeseed meal rose by more than 2%, ferrosilicon and rubber rose by nearly 2%; in terms of decline, the Consolidated European Line fell by more than 7%, alumina fell by more than 5%, palm oil, Shanghai zinc, sugar fell by more than 2%, Shanghai tin, fuel oil fell by more than 1%.
Stock index futures rose significantly in midday trading. The main contract of CSI 1000 stock index futures (IM) rose by more than 5%, and the main contract of CSI 500 stock index futures (IC) rose by 4.00% during the day and is now at 5590.0 points. The main contract of CSI 300 stock index futures (IF) rose by more than 3%, and the main contract of Shanghai 50 stock index futures (IH) rose by more than 2%.
At the close of the afternoon, the main contracts of domestic futures were mixed. SC crude oil, No. 20 rubber, stainless steel, Shanghai nickel, Shanghai tin, rubber rose more than 1%, Shanghai gold, fuel oil, logs rose nearly 1%; in terms of decline, coking coal, alumina, glass fell more than 3%, apples, coke, rapeseed meal fell more than 2%, container shipping European line, soda ash, lithium carbonate, PVC, rebar, Shanghai zinc, urea, vegetable oil fell more than 1%.
At the close of the afternoon, the main contracts of domestic futures were mixed. BR rubber rose more than 2%, caustic soda, palm oil, logs, Shanghai copper rose more than 1%, lithium carbonate, Shanghai silver rose nearly 1%; in terms of decline, rapeseed meal fell more than 3%, industrial silicon, PTA, pigs, coking coal, p-xylene fell more than 2%, pulp, rapeseed oil, methanol, plastics, container shipping Europe fell more than 1%.
At the close of afternoon, the main contracts of domestic futures rose more and fell less. Beans rose more than 2%, No. 20 rubber and rapeseed meal rose nearly 2%, and industrial silicon, SC crude oil, rubber, Shanghai zinc, and low-sulfur fuel oil (LU) rose more than 1%. In terms of decline, Consolidated European Line fell nearly 2%, and BR rubber and styrene (EB) fell more than 1%.
At the close of the afternoon, the main contracts of domestic futures rose more and fell less, soda ash, BR rubber, pulp rose more than 2%, methanol, No. 20 glue rose nearly 2%, and glass, urea, and live pigs rose more than 1%. In terms of decline, the Consolidated European Line fell more than 5%, and alumina fell nearly 3%.
The price of crude oil futures rose by more than 5%, the main contract of fuel oil rose by more than 5%, the main contract of low-sulfur fuel oil (LU) rose by more than 3%, and the main contract of SC crude oil rose by nearly 3%.
At noon, the main contract of alumina futures jumped and opened low, and now fell nearly 3%, reported at 5101 yuan/ton. On the news, according to Shanghai Nonferrous Metals Network, on December 10, overseas transactions of alumina 30,000 tons, the transaction price is 680 dollars/mt FOB Western Australia, late January/early February shipping schedule.
At the close of the afternoon, most of the main contracts of domestic futures rose. Coke rose more than 3%, rebar, BR rubber, glass rose more than 2%, rapeseed meal, Shanghai silver, hot coil, Shanghai tin, iron ore rose nearly 2%; in terms of decline, Consolidated European Line fell more than 3%, No. 20 rubber, palm oil fell more than 2%, rubber, asphalt fell more than 1%.
At the close of the afternoon, most of the main contracts of domestic futures fell. Consolidated European lines fell more than 4%, coking coal and alumina fell more than 2%, apples, No. 20 glue, urea, cotton, manganese silicon, and industrial silicon fell more than 1%; in terms of gains, eggs rose more than 3%, iron ore, rapeseed meal, Shanghai nickel, sugar, and methanol rose more than 1%.
The main palm oil contract opened slightly higher in midday trading, but then continued to rise, reporting 9912 yuan/ton, an increase of 1.6%.