News list for " max holding"

MIRA's largest holder announces slowing sales and locking up about a third of its position

On December 29th, Siqi Chen (@blader), the largest holder of MIRA tokens, posted on the X platform that in order to maximize funding for rare disease research over a longer period of time, it has decided to lock up about 1/3 of the MIRA it still owns for one year. At the same time, it will significantly slow down the speed of token sales. It will start selling at a rate of 50,000 MIRAs per hour from 24 hours later. Siqi Chen said that the next steps are still being determined, but promised to us...

2024-12-29 09:42:23
Uniswap Labs launched Unichain without the unanimous consent of UNI token holders.

On October 22nd, one of the largest holders of UNI tokens has raised questions about the decentralization and backroom trading of Uniswap, particularly its rhetoric of a series of revamps on the grounds of "efficiency", and the possible undisclosed financial interest between Uniswap Labs and another blockchain, Optimism. Billy Gao, head of governance at Stanford Blockchain Club, a representative of thousands of individuals entrusted with holding UNI governance tokens, has published a 22-post com...

2024-10-22 18:05:16