News list for " marcin"

RedStone Lianchuang: Accurate quantification of pledge returns helps evaluate Ethereum's development

RedStone co-founder and chief operating officer Marcin Kamierczak said that with the rise of liquid staking derivatives, there is a need to more precisely quantify the staking returns of various platforms and their changing trends. Kazmierczak emphasized that the use of standardized on-chain Ethereum composite staking rate (CESR) oracle data sources as benchmark indicators is of key significance for systematic analysis of staking trends. He further pointed out that accurately quantifying staking...

2024-09-18 16:32:45
RedStone 联创:精确量化质押收益有助于评估以太坊发展

RedStone 联合创始人兼首席运营官 Marcin Kaźmierczak 表示,随着流动性质押衍生品的兴起,需要更精确地量化各平台质押收益及其变化趋势。Kazmierczak 强调,采用标准化的链上以太坊综合质押率(CESR)预言机数据源作为基准指标,对于系统性分析质押趋势具有关键意义。他进一步指出,精确量化质押趋势不仅有助于评估其对网络安全和代币经济学的影响,还能为以太坊...

2024-09-18 16:32:45