News list for " low policy"

Federal Reserve Governor Paul Waller: There is still "a long way to go" in the process of lowering the policy rate to a neutral level, and rate cuts are expected to continue in the next year.

Federal Reserve Governor Paul Waller: There is still "a long way to go" in the process of lowering the policy rate to a neutral level, and rate cuts are expected to continue in the next year.

2024-12-03 04:17:11
IMF: Fed should wait until at least the end of 2024 before lowering policy rates

The IMF said the Federal Reserve should wait until at least the end of 2024 before cutting policy rates, and it would be prudent for the Fed to wait for clearer evidence that inflation is returning to its 2 percent target on a sustained basis before cutting rates.

2024-07-18 21:10:57