News list for " lisnard"

The mayor of Cannes has pushed for the adoption of cryptocurrency payments, targeting the 2027 French presidential election

Cannes Mayor David Lisnard is targeting the 2027 French presidential election to promote the city's adoption of cryptocurrency payments, and plans to make EthCC (the Ethereum Community Conference) a central topic next summer. According to Lisnard's LinkedIn post, which he shared, Lisnard said: "As part of our Web3 strategy, we will encourage and specifically train Cannes merchants to integrate cryptocurrencies for payments. Cannes will be open from June 30 to July 2025...

2025-01-15 15:41:05

戛纳市长 David Lisnard 瞄准 2027 年法国总统大选,力推该市采用加密货币支付,同时计划于明年夏天让 EthCC(以太坊社区大会)成为中心议题。根据其分享的 Lisnard 在领英上的帖子,Lisnard 表示:“作为我们 Web3 战略的一部分,我们将鼓励并特别培训戛纳商家集成加密货币进行支付。戛纳将于 2025 年 6 月 30 日至 7 月...

2025-01-15 15:41:05