On August 25, Stani Kulechov, founder of Aave and Lens Protocol, wrote, "In light of the recent arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, I have been reflecting on how to build'resilient approaches' that can uphold various rights, even if these rights (such as freedom of expression and content censorship) may create conflicting situations."
Stani Kulechov, founder of Aave, said on the X platform: "The first Aave marketplace tailored for Lido is coming soon. Aave V3 is flexible enough to meet any type of risk allocation appetite based on specific needs. Look forward to more custom marketplaces like this gradually developing."
The Fantom Foundation announced on the X platform that Stani Kulechov, founder of Aave and Avara, will be introduced as angel investors. Prior to this, the Fantom Foundation also announced that Robert Leshner, founder of Superstate and Compound, as well as Tarun Chitra, founder of Gauntlet, and Sam Kazemian, founder of Frax Finance, will be introduced as angel investors and participate in the latest financing of the project.