News list for " jan"

YZi Labs Announces Jane He as General Partner to Lead Biotech Investments

According to official news, YZi Labs has announced that Jane He has become a general partner, leading biotech investments. Prior to joining YZi Labs, Jane was an investor and chief operating officer of a hedge fund in Hong Kong focusing on growth investing in biotech and innovation-driven industries.

2025-03-20 16:19:44
YZi Labs宣布Jane He成为普通合伙人,领导生物科技投资

据官方消息,YZi Labs 宣布 Jane He 成为普通合伙人,领导生物科技投资。 在加入 YZi Labs 之前,Jane 曾是香港一家对冲基金的投资人兼首席运营官,专注于生物科技及创新驱动型行业的成长型投资。

2025-03-20 16:19:44
Microsoft Flags Trojan Malware Targeting MetaMask, Phantom and Coinbase Wallets
Microsoft Flags Trojan Malware Targeting MetaMask, Phantom and Coinbase Wallets

The information gathering Trojan can continuously monitor clipboard content, searching for cryptocurrency keys and passwords.

2025-03-18 11:13:23
借贷协议 3Jane 发布白皮书,允许无抵押贷款

3月12日消息,借贷协议 3Jane 发推公布白皮书,用户可实现借款 0 抵押,白皮书内容显示,3Jane 根据可验证的财务证明而不是链上抵押品来提供资金。 此外,利用 zkTLS(零知识 TLS) 连接链上和链下信用数据,实现更精准的风险评估。不良贷款通过链上拍卖处理,由美国债务催收机构竞标购买。

2025-03-12 01:55:49
Transaction agreement Vest completes $5 million financing, BlackRock, Jane Street Grop and others participate in the investment

On March 12, the transaction agreement Vest announced the completion of 5 million US dollars financing, BlackRock, Jane Street Grop, Selini Capital, Amber Group, QCQ Group and Big Brain VC participated. Instead of relying on trust, financial participants can use a shared, objective risk model that adjusts dynamically to market conditions.

2025-03-12 01:19:18
交易协议Vest完成500万美元融资,贝莱德、Jane Street Grop等参投

3月12日消息,交易协议Vest宣布完成500万美元融资,BlackRock、Jane Street Grop、Selini Capital、Amber Group、QCQ Group与Big Brain VC等参投。 Vest取代了零散的个体风险评估需求,提供可验证、中立的框架。金融参与者无需依赖信任,而是可以使用共享的、客观的风险模型,该模型能够根据市场状况动态调整。

2025-03-12 01:19:18
Jan3 CEO:若战略储备计划不计后果地混合多种山寨币,可能会沦为纯粹的投机游戏

3月4日消息,Jan3首席执行官Samson Mow对特朗普提出的加密货币储备计划发出警告,指出如果该计划包含随机的山寨币,可能会引发混乱。 Mow表示,如果储备计划不计后果的混合XRP、SOL、ADA和ETH等多种加密货币,可能会使其沦为纯粹的投机游戏。他特别担忧的是市场操纵风险,认为如果特朗普可以随意选择任何加密货币,这将为游说者和...

2025-03-04 03:51:01

比特币钱包公司Jan3首席执行官、Pixelmatic创始人Samson Mow在Consensus香港加密货币会议上警告称,比特币价格可能受到“人为”压制。尽管散户买家在定投买入比特币,但似乎仍存在卖压,“虽然机构和散户买家都在增持比特币,但比特币价格却没有上涨,那肯定是有人在卖”,去年由于破产和重组,市场出...

2025-02-20 13:59:33
Wall Street trading firm Jane Street has acquired a 6% stake in bitcoin miner Iris Energy

Wall Street trading firm Jane Street and its subsidiaries have acquired a 6% stake in bitcoin mining giant Iris Energy. As of December 31, Jane Street Group held a total of 11,797,987 shares of Iris Energy, representing a 6% stake, according to a Form 13G filing on Friday. Iris Energymined 521 BTC in January with an actual hash rate of 28.93EH/s, representing 3.71% of the Bitcoin mining production market share.

2025-02-17 01:15:01
华尔街贸易公司Jane Street收购比特币矿企Iris Energy 6%的股份

华尔街贸易公司Jane Street及其子公司已收购比特币挖矿巨头Iris Energy 6%的股份。周五提交的13G表文件显示,截至12月31日,Jane Street Group共持有Iris Energy 11,797,987股股份,占6%的股份。Iris Energy1月份开采了521个BTC,实际哈希率为28.93EH/s,占比特币矿业生产市场份额的3.71%。

2025-02-17 01:15:01
British media: Trump will force Zelensky to agree to a ceasefire before Easter

On February 6, according to the British Daily Mail, US President Trump will try to force Ukrainian President Zelensky to agree to a ceasefire with Russia before Easter on April 20 under the peace plan. Trump has long claimed that he can negotiate an end to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict within a day, and it is reported that he is working to end the conflict within 100 days. According to Ukrainian media Strana, these unconfirmed plans have been circulating in Ukraine's "political and diplomatic c...

2025-02-06 15:01:36
英特尔:为DeepSeek大模型提供优化工具 降低部署门槛

近日,DeepSeek推出了名为Janus Pro的AIGC模型,引起了广泛关注。英特尔公司宣布了英特尔Gaudi 2D AI加速器针对Janus Pro的优化,通过更低的成本和更高的效率,为AI开发者提供部署复杂任务的可能性,满足了推理计算能力的需求。(金十)

2025-02-02 03:25:14
Analysts: If Trump delays policy implementation, the dollar could weaken

On January 21, Jane Foley of Rabobank said in a report that the dollar could depreciate if the United States delays the implementation of proposed policies that are expected to support the dollar, such as tariffs. She said: Since October last year, the market has digested a lot of positive news for the dollar. If Trump delays the implementation of policies such as tariffs, the possibility of further profit-taking in the dollar cannot be ruled out. (Jin Ten)

2025-01-21 11:22:52


2025-01-21 11:22:52
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns before leaving office that extending Trump's tax cuts could disrupt U.S. markets

Janet Yellen, the outgoing US Treasury secretary, has warned that the next administration's plan to extend the 2017 Republican tax cuts could disrupt the financial marekt and worsen an already challenging US fiscal outlook. "The projected fiscal path under current budget policy is simply not sustainable, and failure to act or take action that exacerbates the projected deficit could have dire consequences," Yellen said on Wednesday.

2025-01-15 22:42:55

7x24 Newsflash

16:39 2025-03-25
16:06 2025-03-25
美国股市小幅开盘走高,给交易者带来了期待已久的乐观情绪,阻止风险资产走低的一个关键因素是美国政府和特朗普可能调整新一轮贸易关税计划。 通过分析短期 BTC 价格走势,交易者正在重点关注 9 万美元这一关键阻力位,鉴于比特币价格表现强劲的历史趋势,比特币市场参与者对 4 月份的期望也很高。 匿名分析师 Daan Crypto Trades 表示,本...
16:06 2025-03-25
CBOE为富达提交Solana ETF申请
据市场消息,芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE)已为富达提交Solana ETF申请,据悉,芝加哥期权交易所集团旗下的 Cboe BZX 已向美国证券交易委员会提交一项拟议规则变更(19b-4 申请文件)。
15:57 2025-03-25
15:54 2025-03-25
Lido Labs回应美SEC问题,称治理代币和LST不应被视为证券
据美 SEC 披露,Lido Labs Foundation 于 3 月 24 日,通过电子方式回应美国证券交易委员会(SEC)加密货币特别工作组关于治理代币和流动性质押代币(LST)监管地位的问题,主张这些数字资产不应被归类为联邦证券法下的证券,因为它们具有基本的效用和运作方式。
15:51 2025-03-25
Arbitrum基金会发布2024透明度报告,披露在DeFi、游戏、基础设施等领域资助了276个项目,此外AI Trailblazer计划还吸引了早期创新。Arbitrum基金会还在支持 Stylus、BoLD、Timeboost 和 Fast Withdrawals 等技术进步方面发挥了关键作用,进一步巩固了Arbitrum与以太坊的联盟关系。
15:51 2025-03-25
Bitcoin Laws 发文披露北卡罗来纳州的比特币投资法案细节,即众议院法案 506 号,将创建一个新的独立北卡罗来纳州投资管理局(NCIA),由州财政部长领导。NCIA 将有权将州内各种基金的 5% 投资于数字资产。 北卡罗来纳州的 HB506 法案并未真正创建一个‘比特币储备’。北卡罗来纳州的 HB506 法案在概念上可能与佛罗里达州的两项法案最为接近:HB 487 和...
15:45 2025-03-25
Michael Saylor预计BTC将成为价值200万亿美元的资产类别和全球结算层
Strategy创始人Michael Saylor预计到2024年BTC将成为价值200万亿美元的资产类别,并且成为人工智能驱动互联网时代的全球结算层,美国采用比特币战略储备将巩固其主导地位,迫使其在全球范围内采用。Strategy已利用 330 亿美元积累了超过500,000枚比特币使用可转换债券和优先股等创新金融工具为其企业比特币资金...
15:42 2025-03-25
Ronin 宣布 Opensea 支持 Ronin 网络,支持用户通过 Opensea 在 Ronin 上交易和发行 NFT。此外,为纪念该集成,用户可铸造免费 Jin 和 Ronke NFT。
15:42 2025-03-25
David Sacks:美FDIC取消“声誉风险”作为银行监管因素是加密的巨大胜利
美国加密货币和人工智能沙皇 David Sacks 发文称:“这是加密货币的巨大胜利,美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)将跟随美国货币监理署(OCC),取消将‘声誉风险’作为银行监管因素的做法。 ‘声誉风险’在理论上听起来可能不错,但它被定义为‘有关机构商业行为的负面宣传(无论真实与否)将导致客户群下降、代价高昂的诉讼或收入减少的...
15:39 2025-03-25
15:39 2025-03-25