News list for " interactive"

Boya Interactive Signs Token Subscription Agreement with MTT ESports to Subscribe 10% of its Token Supply for 4.18 million USDT

On February 18, according to the official news, 0434.HK, a Hong Kong-listed company, signed a token subscription agreement with MTTESports to subscribe for 10% of its token supply (about 210 million MTT tokens) with 4.18 million USDT, which will be unlocked linearly from January 2026 and unlocked within 48 months. Previously, Boya Interactive completed the first round of investment with 100BTC in September 2024, and the total amount of the two rounds of investment is about 10 million US dollars....

2025-02-18 12:09:32
Boya Interactive Announces Investment of 4,180,749 USDT in Web3 Track Project MTT ESports

Boya Interactive, a Hong Kong-listed company, has issued a voluntary announcement, disclosing that it has signed a subscription token warrant with MTT ESports Limited, and will make a further investment in MTT ESports at a consideration of 4,180,749 TEDA (USDT) (the second investment). After the second investment is completed, Boya Interactive will obtain 10% of the total issuance of MTT tokens ("MTT Tokens"), that is, 210 million MTT tokens. It is expected that the MTT tokens will be unlocked l...

2025-02-18 02:34:28
Boya Interactive: Earnings are expected to increase by 15-20% in 2024 due to the appreciation of cryptocurrency holdings.

Boya Interactive, a Hong Kong-listed company, released a positive profit announcement, in which it disclosed that it has gained value-added income from digital assets due to its holdings of cryptocurrencies and increased operating income from online games. According to the preliminary assessment of the unaudited general management accounts and the current information obtained by the board of directors, the annual income as of December 31, 2024 is expected to increase by about 15% to 20% compared...

2025-02-17 02:48:44
Morning News List of important developments overnight on February 7

21:00-7:00 Keywords: DeepSeek, Interactive Brokers, Alexey Pertsev, Ondo Finance 1. DeepSeek: has never issued any virtual currency. 2. Berachain Foundation: BERA NFT airdrop is open for collection; 3. Interactive Brokers: Consider listing Solana trading after the supervision is clear; Bloomberg analyst: SEC accepts 19b-4 application for grey release Solana ETF; 5. Ondo Finance launched the Layer1 blockchain Ondo Chain for institutional finance; 6. Federal Reserve Governor Waller: The Federal Re...

2025-02-06 23:29:59
盈透证券:待监管明确后考虑上线 Solana 交易

据 DEGEN NEWS 披露,盈透证券(Interactive Brokers)高管 Milan Galik 在财报会议上表示,该平台目前主要提供比特币、以太坊、稳定币和比特币现金四种加密货币交易。由于缺乏监管明确性,目前尚未能提供 Solana 等代币交易服务。 随着监管逐步明朗,平台计划扩大加密货币交易品种。此外,盈透证券目前对单个账户的加密资产投资比例设有 1% 的限制,未来随着加密资产被...

2025-02-06 13:54:08
Azuki founder: Animecoin related announcements will be released soon, there will be no TGE before the end of the year, and the token will be launched before the mainnet

When Zagabond, the founder of Azuki, interacted with users within the community, he disclosed that Animecoin will not be TGE before the end of the year, but an announcement is expected soon. In addition, Zagabond also disclosed that Animecoin is expected to go live before Anime Chain, and plans to be deployed on the Ethereum mainnet and Arbitrum.

2024-12-28 07:32:10
Analysts: The speculative boom in bitcoin and crypto-related stocks is unlikely to subside in 2025

Steve Sosnick, chief strategist at Interactive Brokers, said the speculative frenzy that swept bitcoin and crypto-related stocks in 2024 was unlikely to subside in the new year. "2024 was a year of speculation and in recent weeks has morphed into a self-fulfilling frenzy. While these trades have sometimes run into trouble, most recently after the Fed's December meeting, investors have been willing to buy the dip," Mr. Sosnick said. "When something has been used by a lot of people for a long time...

2024-12-23 14:12:30
Interactive Brokers Chairperson: It is recommended to hold some bitcoin

The chairperson of Interactive Brokers said that it is recommended that people hold some bitcoin, but not too much.

2024-12-11 19:21:58
List of important developments on the evening of December 10

12:00-21:00 Keywords: Boya Interactive, Magic Eden, Klickl, Grok 1. The South Korean National Assembly has approved the postponement of the crypto tax. 2. Boya Interactive invests in BounceBit, a Web3 asset management platform; 3. OSL acquires European digital assets and blockchain platform businesses. 4. Binance will list Magic Eden (ME) and add seed tags to it. 5. Web3 banking service provider Klickl completed 25 million US dollars A round of financing; 6. DWF Labs announced the establishment ...

2024-12-10 13:02:05
Boya Interactive invests in Web3 asset management platform BounceBit

Boya Interactive (00434) announced that the Group entered into an investment agreement with BounceBit Limited (BounceBit) to invest in the Web3 asset management platform BounceBit (BounceBit platform) this year, and has completed the investment. The company recently received a notice from BounceBit confirming that the company's investment has been converted into 4.20 million BB tokens. The board believes that the investment will further promote the Group's business development and layout in the ...

2024-12-10 10:31:15
List of important developments on the evening of November 29

12:00-21:00 Keywords: Hong Kong Central Bank, Boya Interactive,, Supreme Inspection 1. Russian President Vladimir Putin officially signed the digital currency taxation law. 2. The Hong Kong central bank will provide subsidies to companies that issue tokenized bonds. 3. Boya Interactive: Use 14,200 ETH to exchange for about 515 BTC; 4. The stablecoin issuance agreement complete 45 million USD financing; The Japanese Financial Services Agency has issued a warning to five unre...

2024-11-29 13:00:15
Boya Interactive: Use 14,200 ETH to exchange for about 515 BTC

On November 29th, Boya Interactive, a Hong Kong-listed company, announced that it conducted a series of transactions from November 19 to 28, 2024, using 14,200 ETH to exchange for about 515 BTC, with a total market value of about 49.48 million US dollars. The original purchase cost of ETH for this exchange was about 39.45 million US dollars. After the completion of this exchange, the group held a total of about 3,183 BTC, and the average cost of holding positions was 57,724 US dollars.

2024-11-29 06:03:49
Blue Port Interactive founder: Blue Port Interactive holds bitcoin strategically and will disclose the progress of tactical position reduction at the appropriate time

Wang Feng, founder of Blue Port Interactive, said in a post on his social platform that Blue Port Interactive's holding of bitcoin is strategic. "We are optimistic about bitcoin web applications, decentralized finance, and empowering real assets and cryptoassets for Web3 applications. In addition, the first purchase price of Blue Port Interactive was $26,000, and it has been purchased one after another since then. "I first promoted Blue Port Interactive to buy bitcoin...

2024-11-13 02:47:07
Boya Interactive: Already holds 2641 BTC and 15,445 ETH

Boya Interactive (00434.HK) announced that based on the recent activity in the cryptocurrency market, investors and company shareholders have issued inquiries about the company's cryptocurrency holdings. The board of directors of the company hereby informs shareholders and potential investors that as of the date of this announcement, the group has held 2,641 bitcoins (BTC), with a total cost of about US $142,722,654, and an average cost of about US $54,027 per BTC; 15,445 ether (ETH) have been h...

2024-11-12 14:49:11
Founder of Blue Port Interactive: Suggested that Blue Port Interactive invest in Bitcoin in 2019, but was threatened by shareholders

Wang Feng, founder of Blue Harbor Interactive, recalled today that he saw the news that MicroStrategy plans to raise $42 billion in the next three years, and remembered the regrettable past. In 2019, he proposed that the company invest 20 million dollars to buy bitcoin (the price was less than $6,000/piece at that time), but was strongly opposed by board members and a major shareholder representative and threatened to sue. It was not until early 2023 that Wang Feng returned as CEO that the compa...

2024-10-31 05:34:02

7x24 Newsflash

16:54 2025-03-23
CZ通过公开捐款地址在 APX Finance 上用 0.04 枚BNB 开出 24.7 倍的 mubarak 多单,目前仓位已关闭
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,七分钟前,CZ 用公开捐款地址在 APX Finance 上用 0.04 枚BNB 开出了 24.7 倍的 mubarak 多单(目前仓位已关闭) - APX :已短时上涨 26%(0.64美元 > 0.081美元) - mubarak :已短时上涨 5.5%(0.146美元 > 0.154美元)
16:36 2025-03-23
16:15 2025-03-23
据Onchain Lens监测,鲸鱼@naseem花费500万美元购买了401,420枚TRUMP,平均价格为12.45美元。该鲸鱼已在TRUMP交易中获利超过1.09亿美元。
15:41 2025-03-23
特朗普在其社交平台Truth上发文表示,“I LOVE $TRUMP—SO COOL!!! The Greatest of them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.
15:38 2025-03-23
Token Terminal 数据显示,贝莱德 BUIDL 基金在以太坊链上的资金部署规模已超 10 亿美元,目前触及约 11.45 亿美元。BUIDL 基金主要关注代币化现实世界资产(RWA),并在 Avalanche、Polygon、Aptos、Arbitrum 和 Optimism 等链上进行多元化投资,但以太坊仍然是其核心配置。 另据 Nansen 分析,自 2024 年 3 月 12 日以来,持有 1,000-10,000 枚 ETH 的地址数量增长了 5.65%,而持有 10,000-100,000 枚 ETH 的地...
15:29 2025-03-23
下周美国待公布的重要宏观数据如下: ·3月25日21:05,FOMC永久票委、纽约联储主席威廉姆斯在一场活动上致开幕词; ·3月27日01:10,FOMC票委、圣路易联储主席穆萨莱姆发表讲话; ·3月27日20:30,美国至3月22日当周初请失业金人数(万人),预期22.5,前值22.3; ·3月27日20:30,美国第四季度实际GDP年化季率终值,预期2.3%,前值2.3%; ·3月28日20:30,美国2月核心PCE物价指数年率,预...
15:20 2025-03-23
据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间下午11:13左右,200,000,000枚USDT从HTX转至Aave。
15:00 2025-03-23
国内新闻:1. 广西梧州通报“西江梧州段被投放铅酸电池”:未发现污染源。2. 哪吒系列电影总票房破200亿,饺子导演内地票房成绩超200亿元。3. 合肥市联合调查组:三只羊公司整改符合要求,具备恢复经营条件。4. 中国石化:2024年净利润489.4亿元 全年分红派息比例达到75%。5. 香雪制药:公司股票将被实施其他风险警示,股票简称变更为“ST香雪”。6. 韩文秀:坚持深化供给侧结构性改革 不断更新旧动能、发展新动能。7. 李强会见来华出席论坛美国代表:打贸易战没有赢家 希望美方同中方更多相向而行。8. 蓝佛安:中央财政拿出“真金白银”大力促消费,提高养老金、发放育儿补贴等增强消费能力。9. 何立峰会见跨国公司负责人:中国将继续扩大高水平对外开放,欢迎跨国公司扩大在华投资深化互利共赢。国际新闻:1. 韩国山火致4人死亡,多地进入“灾难状态”。2. 意大利防长:与星链合作谈判陷入停滞。3. 土耳其伊斯坦布尔市长遭停职,已被送往监狱。4. 胡塞武装称成功袭击以色列本-古里安国际机场。5. 美联储猛亏776亿美元,为连续第二年出现巨额亏损。6. 意大利出版全球首份、完全由生成式人工智能技...
14:50 2025-03-23
据链上分析师余烬监测,币安月初的做市商事件中两个项目都宣布会用净卖出资金进行代币回购,也公布了回购代币存放的链上地址,目前进度: 1、SHELL 的回购资金是 800 万美元,目前他们从 3/13 以来已经从币安回购提出了 2095 万枚 SHELL (584 万美元),也就是说回购进度已经完成了四分之三。 2、GPS 的回购资金是 434 万美元,他们今晚才发...
14:40 2025-03-23
莱特币基金会:多只Litecoin ETF即将面世
莱特币基金会在X平台发文披露2025年迄今的运营情况,主要包括:哈希率达到2.7 PH/s的历史新高、交易量超过1500万笔、多只Litecoin ETF即将面世。
13:55 2025-03-23
Bounce Brand:团队未参与任何形式的 AUCTION 价格操纵行为
Bounce Brand 在 X 平台发文就近期市场关注的价格波动情况作出回应:“需要明确的是,团队未参与任何形式的价格操纵行为。经团队监测,过去数周内,一个未知主体通过持续积累已获得超过20%的AUCTION总供应量。 为维护市场稳定,我们团队已采取积极行动:一方面在多个交易所主动提供流动性支持,另一方面已自愿锁定约150万枚来自项目库存和团队分配的AUCTION代币。”
13:50 2025-03-23