News list for " gnosis"

GnosisDAO to Invest $4.80 million in HOPR to Support Continued Development of Gnosis VPN

On March 13, Gnosis announced on the X platform that the GIP-122 proposal has been voted through, and GnosisDAO will support the continued development of Gnosis VPN to help bring it to market. Under the proposal, HOPR has completed the first proof-of-concept version of Gnosis VPN, a trustless, decentralized, uncensored VPN service that runs on the HOPR network. GnosisDAO will invest $4.80 million in HOPR over two years to exchange TWAP for HOPR tokens for 90 days ending on the day of each paymen...

2025-03-13 12:43:27
GnosisDAO将向HOPR投资480万美元以支持其继续开发Gnosis VPN

3月13日消息,Gnosis在X平台宣布,GIP-122提案已获得投票通过,GnosisDAO将支持Gnosis VPN的持续开发,以助其推向市场。 根据该提案,HOPR已完成Gnosis VPN的第一个概念验证版本,这是一种在HOPR网络上运行的无需信任、去中心化、不可审查的VPN服务。GnosisDAO将在两年内向HOPR投资480万美元,以在每期付款当天结束的90天TWAP换取HOPR代币。

2025-03-13 12:43:27

GnosisDAO 已投票通过追加 480 万美元投资,用于支持 HOPR 开发的 Gnosis VPN,该产品预计将在两年内推出。Gnosis VPN 是 Gnosis 与 HOPR 于去年启动的合作项目,HOPR 负责 VPN 的开发,并已获得 150 万美元种子资金,Gnosis 作为回报获得 HOPR 资产库的部分股份。HOPR 联合创始人 Sebastian Bürgel 表示,去中心化 VPN 作为屏蔽搜索流量的工具,在市场上仍是未被充分开发的领域,且对于保护链...

2025-03-12 20:47:15
Gnosis: Ethereum should prioritize transaction capabilities and application requirements

On January 21, Martin Köppelmann, co-founder and CEO of Gnosis, wrote that the core problem facing Ethereum in recent years is the divergence in development direction: on the one hand, the concept of "ETH is money", that transaction capacity and fees are irrelevant, and the focus is on "currency premium"; on the other hand, Ethereum is positioned as a "world computer/settlement layer", focusing mainly on transaction capacity (including L1 expansion) and total fees as a measure of success. He be...

2025-01-21 08:31:53

1月21日消息,Gnosis联合创始人兼首席执行官Martin Köppelmann发文表示,以太坊近年来面临的核心问题在于发展方向的分歧:一方面是“ETH是货币”的理念,认为交易容量和费用无关紧要,重点在于“货币溢价”;另一方面是将以太坊定位为“世界计算机/结算层”,主要关注交易容量(包括L1扩容)和总费用作为成功的衡量标准。 他认为,如果以太坊...

2025-01-21 08:31:53
Morning News List of important developments overnight on October 25

21:00-7:00 Keywords: Kraken, GnosisDAO, Tesla, Ripple 1. MicroStrategy's share price hits a record high; Kraken plans to launch its native blockchain network next year. 3. Tesla's gains expanded to 20%, and its share price reached an intraday high. 4. The Kraken blockchain is planned to be named Ink or launched later this year. 5. The Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed a bipartisan bill to provide regulatory clarity for digital assets. 6. The SEC has requested that the deadline for fil...

2024-10-24 23:31:45

21:00-7:00关键词:Kraken、GnosisDAO、特斯拉、Ripple 1.MicroStrategy股价创历史新高; 2.Kraken计划明年推出其原生区块链网络; 3.特斯拉涨幅扩大至20%,股价达到盘中高点; 4.Kraken 区块链拟命名为 Ink,或于今年晚些时候启动; 5.美国宾州众议院通过两党法案,为数字资产提供监管明确性; 6.美SEC要求将Ripple案的主要简报提交截止日期延至2025年1月15日; 7.Fox记者:Ri...

2024-10-24 23:31:45
GnosisDAO approves launch of $40 million VC fund to invest in projects such as RWA and decentralized infrastructure

GnosisDAO has approved a proposal to launch a $40 million venture fund aimed at accelerating early-stage blockchain projects. GnosisDAO will contribute $20 million to the fund, with the remaining $20 million coming from outside LPs. The fund, called the GnosisVC Ecosystem, will prioritize investments in projects working on real-world asset (RWA) tokenization, decentralized infrastructure, and financial payment channels.

2024-10-24 13:09:58

GnosisDAO已批准了一项提案,启动一只4000万美元的风险基金,旨在加速早期区块链项目。GnosisDAO将向该基金注资2000万美元,其余2000万美元将来自外部LP。该基金名为GnosisVC Ecosystem,将优先投资于从事现实世界资产 (RWA) 代币化、去中心化基础设施和金融支付渠道的项目。

2024-10-24 13:09:58
与Vitalik相关的Gnosis SafeProxy向Aave存入950枚ETH和228万枚USDC

据PeckShield监测,与Vitalik相关的Gnosis SafeProxy向Aave存入950枚ETH(价值约224万美元)和228万枚USDC

2024-09-12 01:39:20
Gnosis community members are reconsidering the choice of gas tokens for the chain

On August 30th, according to The Block, Gnosis Chain community members are reconsidering their choice of gas tokens after MakerDAO renamed itself Sky and launched a new stablecoin, Sky Dollar (USDS). Gnosis operates a sidechain and currently uses a bridged version called xDAI to pay gas fees on the network. Ma...

2024-08-30 06:07:34

8月30日消息,据The Block报道,Gnosis Chain社区成员正在重新考虑其Gas代币的选择,此前MakerDAO更名为Sky并推出了新的稳定币Sky Dollar(USDS)。Gnosis运营着一个侧链,目前使用名为xDAI的桥接版本来支付网络上的Gas费。 Ma...

2024-08-30 06:07:34
Gnosis Labs Establishes Gnosis AI Division to Focus on Inter-Agency Payments and Forecast Markets

Gnosis Labs announced the establishment of the Gnosis AI division, focusing on the intersection of AI and Web3. Gnosis AI currently focuses on inter-agent payments and prediction markets, and has developed models such as trading agents and social agents. Gnosis AI's future focus remains on prediction markets, with the main goal of improving the accuracy of its trading agents.

2024-07-30 03:44:03
Gnosis Labs 成立 Gnosis AI 部门,关注代理间支付和预测市场

Gnosis Labs宣布成立Gnosis AI部门,专注于AI与Web3的交叉领域。Gnosis AI目前主要关注代理间支付和预测市场,已开发交易代理、社交代理等模式。Gnosis AI未来关注点仍然是预测市场,主要目标是提高其交易代理的准确性。

2024-07-30 03:44:03
Gnosis Pay and other crypto projects have been affected by the Fractal ID data breach

According to the content of the email sent to users by Gnosis Pay, there was a data breach at its customer verification service provider Fractal ID, and Gnosis Pay has been affected. Gnosis Pay CEO Julian Leitloff said about 0.5 percent of 1 million users of Fractal ID were affected. According to the official website of Fractal ID, Fractal ID provides compliance assistance for at least eight cryptographic protocols (including Polygon, Ripple, and Near) and more than 250 companies.

2024-07-17 16:03:48

7x24 Newsflash

17:07 2025-03-25
16:39 2025-03-25
16:06 2025-03-25
美国股市小幅开盘走高,给交易者带来了期待已久的乐观情绪,阻止风险资产走低的一个关键因素是美国政府和特朗普可能调整新一轮贸易关税计划。 通过分析短期 BTC 价格走势,交易者正在重点关注 9 万美元这一关键阻力位,鉴于比特币价格表现强劲的历史趋势,比特币市场参与者对 4 月份的期望也很高。 匿名分析师 Daan Crypto Trades 表示,本...
16:06 2025-03-25
CBOE为富达提交Solana ETF申请
据市场消息,芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE)已为富达提交Solana ETF申请,据悉,芝加哥期权交易所集团旗下的 Cboe BZX 已向美国证券交易委员会提交一项拟议规则变更(19b-4 申请文件)。
15:57 2025-03-25
15:54 2025-03-25
Lido Labs回应美SEC问题,称治理代币和LST不应被视为证券
据美 SEC 披露,Lido Labs Foundation 于 3 月 24 日,通过电子方式回应美国证券交易委员会(SEC)加密货币特别工作组关于治理代币和流动性质押代币(LST)监管地位的问题,主张这些数字资产不应被归类为联邦证券法下的证券,因为它们具有基本的效用和运作方式。
15:51 2025-03-25
Arbitrum基金会发布2024透明度报告,披露在DeFi、游戏、基础设施等领域资助了276个项目,此外AI Trailblazer计划还吸引了早期创新。Arbitrum基金会还在支持 Stylus、BoLD、Timeboost 和 Fast Withdrawals 等技术进步方面发挥了关键作用,进一步巩固了Arbitrum与以太坊的联盟关系。
15:51 2025-03-25
Bitcoin Laws 发文披露北卡罗来纳州的比特币投资法案细节,即众议院法案 506 号,将创建一个新的独立北卡罗来纳州投资管理局(NCIA),由州财政部长领导。NCIA 将有权将州内各种基金的 5% 投资于数字资产。 北卡罗来纳州的 HB506 法案并未真正创建一个‘比特币储备’。北卡罗来纳州的 HB506 法案在概念上可能与佛罗里达州的两项法案最为接近:HB 487 和...
15:45 2025-03-25
Michael Saylor预计BTC将成为价值200万亿美元的资产类别和全球结算层
Strategy创始人Michael Saylor预计到2024年BTC将成为价值200万亿美元的资产类别,并且成为人工智能驱动互联网时代的全球结算层,美国采用比特币战略储备将巩固其主导地位,迫使其在全球范围内采用。Strategy已利用 330 亿美元积累了超过500,000枚比特币使用可转换债券和优先股等创新金融工具为其企业比特币资金...
15:42 2025-03-25
Ronin 宣布 Opensea 支持 Ronin 网络,支持用户通过 Opensea 在 Ronin 上交易和发行 NFT。此外,为纪念该集成,用户可铸造免费 Jin 和 Ronke NFT。
15:42 2025-03-25
David Sacks:美FDIC取消“声誉风险”作为银行监管因素是加密的巨大胜利
美国加密货币和人工智能沙皇 David Sacks 发文称:“这是加密货币的巨大胜利,美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)将跟随美国货币监理署(OCC),取消将‘声誉风险’作为银行监管因素的做法。 ‘声誉风险’在理论上听起来可能不错,但它被定义为‘有关机构商业行为的负面宣传(无论真实与否)将导致客户群下降、代价高昂的诉讼或收入减少的...
15:39 2025-03-25