News list for " giggle"

CZ:Giggle Academy发布V1.9.0版本,新增奖励中心等功能

3月26日消息,CZ在其社交平台表示,Web3教育平台Giggle Academy发布V1.9.0版本,新版本的更新包括:改进儿童语音识别、新增奖励中心(积分,不是加密货币)、推荐注册H5页面、StorybookUI升级。

2025-03-26 10:52:03
CZ: Giggle Academy team members are all focused on product development, and later collaborations will happen naturally

"We don't have a dedicated business development person on our team [Giggle Academy, a Web 3 education platform]. There are no social media interns. Everyone is focused on product development. We want to build the best free education platform. Partnerships will come later. A lot of collaborations will happen naturally," CZ said in a post on the platform. This is in response to a user's suggestion that "Giggle Academy connects with all the best free education institutions in the world".

2025-03-21 05:42:04
CZ:Giggle Academy团队成员均专注于产品开发,后期合作会自然发生

CZ在平台发文表示:“我们团队(Web3教育平台Giggle Academy)里没有专门的商务拓展人员。也没有社交媒体实习生。大家都在专注于产品开发。我们想要打造最好的免费教育平台。合作伙伴关系以后会来。很多合作会自然而然地发生。”这是其对某用户建议“Giggle Academy与世界上所有优秀的免费教育机构建立联系”的回应。

2025-03-21 05:42:04
CZ:Giggle Academy即将推出推荐赚积分功能,但不涉及加密货币

3月14日消息,CZ 发文更新其教育项目 Giggle Academy 最新进展:本周新增 4 节课程,总计 31 节;新增 27 本故事书,总计 189 本。免费教授 7300 名儿童,并且人数还在增长。即将推出,通过推荐赚取积分活动(非加密货币)。

2025-03-14 12:58:18
赵长鹏:儿童读物作家 Barbara Miller 将在 Giggle 独家发布免费读物

2月28日消息,赵长鹏发文称,在 TikTok 上拥有 23.6 万粉丝的儿童读物作家 Barbara Miller 将在其 Web3 教育平台 Giggle Academy 上独家发布免费书籍。赵长鹏表示, “没有合同,没有谈判,只有一条消息和一个开放的平台。”

2025-02-28 08:49:03
CZ posts to celebrate the first anniversary of GiggleAcademy

Binance founder CZ wished Giggle Academy a happy one-year anniversary on Valentine's Day and revealed that more than 5,000 children are currently actively using the app. Although the number of users is not huge, Giggle Academy is very sticky, and children who have used it once will keep asking to use it.

2025-02-14 05:45:48

Binance创始人CZ在情人节之际,祝Giggle Academy一周年快乐,并透露目前已有5000多名孩子活跃使用该应用。虽然用户数量尚不庞大,但Giggle Academy的粘性非常强,使用过一次的孩子会不断要求使用。

2025-02-14 05:45:48
CZ: Education program Giggle Academy has released more courses

CZ said on the X platform, "More Giggle Academy courses have been released, and 162 storybooks have been exposed. If you can't see the storybooks on your Android device, please uninstall and reinstall. The team is fixing a bug. This is an early issue. Take your time, we continue to build."

2025-01-08 06:25:13
CZ:教育项目Giggle Academy已发布更多课程

CZ 在 X 平台表示,“Giggle Academy 更多课程已经发布,已公开 162 本故事书。如果在 Android 设备上看不到故事书,请卸载后重新安装。团队正在修复一个 bug。这是初期的问题。慢慢来,我们继续建设。”

2025-01-08 06:25:13
Education platform Giggle Academy has announced that the official X account has been restored

Education platform Giggle Academy has announced that the official X account has been restored. It says that Giggle Academy is a free learning app. No tokens, no fees, only fun education, please check everything carefully to avoid scams. Yesterday, the official X account of Giggle Academy was suspected to have been stolen, and the X platform replied about the launch of tokens. It said that the tokens would be issued on BSC and SOL, with a token contract address. The reply has been deleted.

2024-11-17 09:47:18
教育平台Giggle Academy宣布官方X账户已恢复

教育平台 Giggle Academy 宣布官方 X 账户已恢复。其表示,Giggle Academy 是一款免费的学习应用程序。没有代币,无需费用,只提供有趣的教育,请仔细检查所有内容以避免诈骗。 昨日消息,Giggle Academy 官方 X 账号疑似被盗,并于 X 平台回复关于推出代币消息,其表示代币将发行在 BSC 与 SOL 上,并配有代币合约地址,现已删除该条回复。

2024-11-17 09:47:18
CZ: Trying to restore Giggle Academy's X account control

CZ posted on the X platform that it woke up and found that "the Giggle Academy X account has been hacked" and is working hard to restore it. When users access content anywhere, please use common sense.

2024-11-16 03:54:27
CZ:正在尝试恢复Giggle Academy的X账户控制

CZ在X平台发文称醒来发现“Giggle Academy X 帐户被黑了”,正在努力恢复,用户在任何地方访问内容的时候,请务必运用常识判断。

2024-11-16 03:54:27
He Yi: If Giggle Academy publishes coin issuance or investment news, then the account has been stolen

He Yiyu, co-founder of Binance, replied to the message "Giggle Academy releases tokens": "If Giggle Academy releases any information about issuing coins or asking you to invest, then the account is stolen."

2024-11-15 22:40:03
何一:如果Giggle Academy发布发币或投资消息,那么账户就是被盗了

币安联合创始人何一于X平台针对“Giggle Academy发布代币”的信息回复:“如果Giggle Academy发布任何发币或叫你投资的消息,那么该账户就是被盗了。”

2024-11-15 22:40:03