3月13日消息,据Decrypt报道,Cboe BZX交易所已代表Invesco Galaxy向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交了一项拟议规则变更,旨在允许其现货比特币ETF和以太坊ETF进行实物创建和赎回份额。实物赎回和创建允许直接交换ETF的基础资产(比特币或以太坊)与ETF份额,从而绕过...
According to Lookonchain, in the past nine hours, Galaxy Digital has withdrawn 282,500 SOLs (approximately $40.5 million) from OKX, Bitstamp, Coinbase, and Binance, and pledged 274,253 SOLs (approximately $39.15 million).
据Lookonchain监测,过去9小时内,Galaxy Digital从OKX、Bitstamp、Coinbase和Binance提取了282,500枚SOL(约合4,050万美元),并质押了274,253枚SOL(约合3,915万美元)。
Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy Digital, wrote in a post: "The current balance of bitcoin available to the US government as a strategic reserve is up to 88,000 BTC, which is only 43% of the current government holdings. This is because of the approximately 198,000 BTC currently held by the US government, 112,000 BTC will be returned to Bitfinex." Note: The large amount of BTC held by the US government came from the detection of the Bitfinex theft that year. The original case occurred in Au...
Galaxy Digital 研究主管 Alex Thorn 于 X 发文表示:“目前可供美国政府用作战略储备的比特币余额最多为 88000 BTC,仅占当前政府持有量的 43%。这是因为美国政府目前持有的约 198000 BTC 中,112000 BTC 将返还给 Bitfinex。” 注:美国政府持有的大量 BTC 来自于当年对 Bitfinex 窃案的侦破行动,原案发生于 2016 年 8 月,被盗时约损失 12 万枚 BTC,Bitfinex 正尝试收回该部分 BTC,预计后...
According to Lookonchain, 30 minutes ago, Galaxy Digital transferred another 600,000 UNI ($4.37 million) to Binance and OKX. Over the past week, Galaxy Digital transferred a total of 5.26 million UNI ($40.60 million) to Binance and OKX.
据 Lookonchain 监测,30 分钟前,Galaxy Digital 向币安和 OKX 再次转入 60 万枚 UNI(437 万美元)。过去一周,Galaxy Digital 向币安和 OKX 共计转入 526 万枚 UNI(4060 万美元)。
据余烬监测,154万枚UNI(约1117万美元)在5小时前继续从Galaxy Digital流入Binance跟OKX。 近12天时间,高达887.1万枚的UNI(约7435万美元)从Galaxy Digital转进Binance跟OKX。UNI价格也在此期间下跌了29%(9.5美元下跌到6.7美元)。
According to on-chain data analyst Ember monitoring, in the last 11 days, 7.331 million UNIs (about $63.18 million) have flowed from Galaxy Digital to Binance and OKX. At the same time, there was no large number of UNIs raised from Binance, and the price of UNIs also fell from $9.5 to $7.1 during this period.
据链上数据分析师余烬监测,在最近 11 天里,已有 733.1 万枚 UNI (约合 6318 万美元) 从 Galaxy Digital 流入 Binance 跟 OKX。而同时期并没有大量的 UNI 从 Binance 提出,UNI 价格也在此期间由 9.5 美元下跌最低到过 7.1 美元。
3月3日消息,Galaxy Digital研究副总裁Christine Kim在X平台发文称:“关于以太坊Holesky测试网状态的最新周末更新:开发者们在周五举行会议,协调大规模惩罚措施并加速不活跃验证者的退出。但看起来测试网上的活跃验证者数量不足,开发者们对推进计划缺乏信心。因此,他们决定在周末给予更多时间,让更多活跃验证者加入Hol...
Scott Bessant, US Treasury secretary, has appointed Tyler Williams of Galaxy Digital as a policy adviser on digital assets and blockchain. Mr. Williams is a former deputy assistant secretary at the Treasury and has worked on financial regulation in the Senate and House of Representatives. The appointment comes as the Treasury and Commerce departments work together to create a sovereign wealth fund that could include digital assets.
美国财政部长斯科特·贝森特任命Galaxy Digital的泰勒·威廉姆斯为数字资产和区块链政策顾问。 威廉姆斯曾担任财政部副助理部长,并在参议院和众议院从事金融监管工作。 此任命是在财政部和商务部共同致力于创建主权财富基金之际,该基金可能会包括数字资产。
According to Whale Alert, about 10 minutes ago, 32,144 ETH were transferred from Galaxy DIgital to an unknown wallet worth $78,373,016. According to Arkham monitoring, the wallet may be linked to Mirana Ventures.