Musk published a tweet containing frog elements at 1:50 Beijing time, "Entering the hardcore leaderboard after many deaths, everything we have in life will echo in eternity! (with frog emoji), it's crazy that this game has been released for a month, but no one has reached level 100 on the hardcore version yet. Half of the leaderboard is dead. It's now level 85. Will take a break tonight to interact with humans." Musk tweeted again at 5:00 Beijing time, "Brothers in Arms...
OdLinea 在 X 平台发文表示,其链上 NFT 项目 Efrogs 已通过 NFTs2me 推出,后者是一个无代码的 NFT 工具包,使创作者能够使用零代码创建、部署和管理 NFT 系列。