On August 19, Finschia posted that after the approval of the FGP-23 proposal, Finschia and Klaytn decided to merge the mainnet. With this integration, Finschia tokens and governance will transition to Kaia after the launch of the Kaia mainnet. FNSA inflation will stop on August 26, 2024, and the conversion rate of FNSA to KAIA is about 148:1 (148.079656:1 = KAIA: FNSA). Previously, Finschia said that with the establishment of the KaiaDLT Foundation in the Dubai International Financial Centre and...
8月19日消息,Finschia发文表示,在FGP-23提案获得批准后,Finschia和Klaytn决定合并主网。通过这次整合,Finschia代币和治理将在Kaia主网启动后过渡到Kaia。FNSA的通胀将于2024年8月26日停止,FNSA到KAIA的转化率约为148:1(148.079656:1=KAIA:FNSA)。 此前消息,Finschia表示,随着KaiaDLT基金会在迪拜国际金融中心和阿布扎比全球市场(ADGM)成立,Kaia主网上线的大部分准备工作已经完成,将于...
On August 19, Finschia said that with the establishment of the Kaia DLT Foundation in the Dubai International Financial Centre and Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), most of the preparations for the launch of the Kaia mainnet have been completed and will be launched on August 29, 2024. Previously, the Klaytn Foundation said that the two teams have been working hard since the Klaytn/Finschia chain merger proposal "Project Dragon" was passed, and today published a post to introduce the new brand Kaia...
The Klaytn Foundation announces that it has launched Kaia v1.0.0 testnet "Kairos". Kaia v1.0.0 is the first official version of the Kaia chain. The Kaia network first transitions the Klaytn network through a transitional hard fork. At the moment the hard fork is applied, the Klaytn Baobab testnet will transition to the Kairos testnet. This release contains the Kaia Transition hard fork and KIP-160 hard fork configuration. For the mainnet hard fork block number, it will be announced in the next r...
klaytn基金会宣布已推出Kaia v1.0.0测试网“Kairos”,Kaia v1.0.0是Kaia链的第一个正式版本。Kaia网络首先通过过渡硬分叉过渡Klaytn网络。在应用硬分叉的那一刻,Klaytn Baobab测试网将过渡到Kairos测试网。此版本包含Kaia Transition硬分叉和KIP-160硬分叉配置。对于主网硬分叉区块号,将在下一个版本中公布。
On May 24th, Finschia posted that it is currently working on the launch of Kaia and is working to create a technical infrastructure that combines the advantages of Finschia and Klaytn. The goal is to launch by the end of June. KLAY holders do not need to conduct a separate token exchange, but FNSA holders need to exchange it for KAIA tokens. The token exchange will be available through the Kaia portal and will be launched concurrently with the Kaia chain.
OdLINE 旗下公链项目 Finschia 宣布,Finschia 分布式账本技术(DLT)基金会已在阿布扎比全球市场(ADGM)注册为 DLT 基金会。 Finschia DLT 基金会于 2023 年 3 月由 LINE 区块链子公司 LINE Tech Plus 成立,致力于与全球 Web3 用户合作开发可持续代币模型。Finschia 基金会旨在加速扩展全球 Web3 商业计划。