News list for " fink"


1月26日消息,贝莱德(Blackrock)CEO Larry Fink在CNBC节目上表示,希望SEC尽快推动债券和股票的代币化审批流程。

2025-01-26 03:23:24


2025-01-26 02:13:10
BlackRock CEO: Adopting a 2% or 5% Bitcoin distribution strategy for everyone will help push its price to $700,000

Larry Fink, BlackRock's chief executive, said: "If everyone takes a 2 per cent or 5 per cent allocation, the price of bitcoin could reach $700,000."

2025-01-23 09:46:36

贝莱德首席执行官Larry Fink表示,“如果每个人都采用 2% 或 5% 的分配,那么比特币的价格可能会达到 70 万美元。”

2025-01-23 09:46:36
BlackRock CEO: High inflation is the world's "biggest risk". The opposite of Davos always makes a lot of money

Larry Fink, BlackRock chief executive, said investors had concluded too quickly that high inflation was over, raising the prospect that bond yields would rise in the future as prices rose. "The biggest risk facing the world today is that the whole world thinks inflation is over," Mr. Fink told Bloomberg on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday, adding that his views were consistent with the market.

2025-01-22 22:17:12
贝莱德CEO:通胀高企是全球“最大风险” 跟达沃斯反着来总能赚大钱

贝莱德首席执行官Larry Fink表示,投资者过快断定高通胀已结束,提升了债券收益率未来随价格上涨而上升的可能性。“当今全球面临的最大风险在于,全世界都认为通胀高点已过,”Fink周三在瑞士参加达沃斯世界经济论坛期间向彭博表示,并称他的观点跟市场...

2025-01-22 22:17:12
BlackRock CEO: High inflation is the world's "biggest risk", and the opposite of Davos can always make a lot of money

Larry Fink, BlackRock chief executive, said investors had concluded too quickly that high inflation was over, raising the prospect that bond yields would rise in the future as prices rose. "The biggest risk facing the world today is that the whole world thinks inflation is over," Mr. Fink told Bloomberg on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Wednesday, adding that his views were consistent with the market.

2025-01-22 18:54:49

贝莱德首席执行官Larry Fink表示,投资者过快断定高通胀已结束,提升了债券收益率未来随价格上涨而上升的可能性。“当今全球面临的最大风险在于,全世界都认为通胀高点已过,”Fink周三在瑞士参加达沃斯世界经济论坛期间向彭博表示,并称他的观点跟市场...

2025-01-22 18:54:49
BlackRock CEO Fink: BTC Could Even Reach $700,000

In an interview, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink emphasized bitcoin as a hedge against currency depreciation and instability, and predicted that bitcoin could reach $500,000, $600,000, or even $700,000.

2025-01-22 16:08:05
BlackRock CEO Fink: Bitcoin can overcome concerns about local currency instability

BlackRock CEO Fink said that bitcoin can overcome concerns about the instability of the local currency. The possibility of continued high inflation remains.

2025-01-22 15:49:55
BlackRock CEO: I believe Bitcoin is a legitimate financial instrument

Larry Fink, BlackRock's chief executive, admits that he was once sceptical about Bitcoin, but he was wrong. He now says he "believes Bitcoin is a legitimate financial instrument."

2024-12-21 20:49:26
BlackRock CEO: Tokenization of financial assets will be the next step in future development

Larry Fink, BlackRock's chief executive, said "tokenisation of financial assets will be the next step in the future", noting that in the future every stock and bond will have a unique identification code (similar to CUSIP), all transactions will be recorded on a unified ledger and investors will be given exclusive identification. Fink said that tokenization can not only effectively prevent illegal activities, but more importantly, it can be realized.

2024-11-15 02:05:01

贝莱德首席执行官Larry Fink表示,“金融资产代币化将是未来发展的下一步”。他指出,未来每一支股票和债券都将拥有独特的识别码(类似CUSIP),所有交易将在统一账本上进行记录,投资者也将获得专属身份识别。 Fink表示,代币化不仅能有效防范非法活动,更重要的是可实...

2024-11-15 02:05:01
BlackRock CEO: Inflationary pressures will continue to drive up asset prices such as bitcoin

According to Forbes, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink warned at the Saudi Future Investment Initiative Summit that the Federal Reserve's future interest rates will not be significantly reduced as expected by the market. It is expected that there will be only one 25 basis point interest rate cut, and inflationary pressures will continue to drive up asset prices such as Bitcoin. Fink also pointed out that BlackRock's Bitcoin ETF net inflow reached $872 million on the day, a new high for the year, benefiti...

2024-10-31 13:18:47

据《福布斯》,贝莱德 CEO Larry Fink 在沙特未来投资倡议峰会上警告称,美联储未来利率不会如市场预期大幅下调,预计仅有一次 25 基点降息,通胀压力将持续推动比特币等资产价格上涨。Fink 还指出,当天贝莱德比特币 ETF 净流入达 8.72 亿美元,创年内新高,受益于央行宽松政策及流动性改善。与此同时,SkyBridge Capital 创始人 Anthony Scaramucci 预测比特币将在 2026 年中期达到...

2024-10-31 13:18:47

7x24 Newsflash

12:35 2025-03-24
币安将上线 NIL 永续合约,最高支持 75 倍杠杆
据官方公告,币安将于 2025 年 3 月 24 日 13:00(UTC)上线 Nillion(NIL)永续合约服务,其中 NILUSDT 合约支持 75 倍杠杆。
12:29 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,美国稳定币法案 GENIUS ACT 将于下个月在参议院迎来关键时刻,因为白宫拟于 4 月将稳定币法案提交参议院审议,据悉特朗普总统的数字资产工作组敦促参议院领导人将该法案提出辩论,该立法为支付稳定币(与美元挂钩的加密货币)建立了监管框架,于 3 月 13 日以 18 票对 6 票成功通过参议院银行委员会,标志着...
12:29 2025-03-24
据 HODL15Capital 监测,在持有比特币的前 70 名公司榜单中,上周有 5 家公司增持了比特币,增持数量为 7,349 枚。排名前 70 的公司共持有 670,153 枚比特币。
12:14 2025-03-24
加密卡发行商 Rain 宣布完成 2450 万美元融资,Norwest Venture Partners 领投,Galaxy Ventures、Goldcrest、Thayer 和 Hard Yaka 参投。加密卡发行商 Rain 发行支持客户以稳定币结算付款的借记卡和信用卡。
12:11 2025-03-24
Strategy BTC持仓突破50万枚
Strategy BTC持仓突破50万枚,当前为506,137枚,价值约合443.37亿美元。Strategy收购价格约为每比特币66,608美元,收购成本约为331亿美元,浮盈超112亿美元。
12:05 2025-03-24
11:50 2025-03-24
两中国公民因涉嫌加密货币诈骗在泰国被捕,涉案金额约合 1770 万美元
3月24日消息,泰国警方逮捕了两名涉嫌加密货币诈骗和绑架的中国公民。警方在芭堤雅一处豪华别墅逮捕了 27 岁的吴迪(音译)和其男友 29 岁的周宗永(音译)。 调查显示,吴迪通过 Facebook 诱骗受害者投资虚构的新加坡元投资基金,仅在过去两个月就骗取超过 6 亿泰铢(约合 17...
11:37 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,支持加密货币的交易投资平台 eToro 宣布,英国和欧洲的用户现在可以将其他交易所、经纪商或其他区块链钱包中持有的加密资产转移到 eToro 加密钱包,在那里他们可以将其持有的加密资产转换为现金,以便在 eToro 的投资平台上跨多种资产类别进行交易和投资。据悉,符合条件的 eToro 用户在外部钱包或交易所持有比特币或以太坊,可以将这...
11:19 2025-03-24
11:19 2025-03-24
11:07 2025-03-24
10:58 2025-03-24
OKX 即将上线 PARTI (Particle Network) 现货交易
3月24日消息,据官方公告,OKX即将上线 PARTI (Particle Network) 现货交易。据悉,Particle Network 是 Web3 领先的链抽象基础设施。其核心技术 Universal Accounts 解决了用户、数据和流动性在多链之间的碎片化问题,为用户提供一个在所有链上通用的账户与余额。 具体时间安排如下: 开放充币时间:2025 年 3 月 24 日下午 6:00 (UTC+8) 集合竞价时间:2025 年 3 月 25 日下午 8:00 至 9:00 (UTC+8) 现货开盘时间:2025 年 3 ...