News list for " ethglobal"

The ten finalists for the ETHGlobal hackathon have been announced, covering AI agents, DAO tools, and crypto games based on Telegram

ETHGlobal held its latest hackathon event after Devcon last weekend in Bangkok, Thailand. According to the conference, a total of 713 projects were submitted to the judges, including Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, Aave founder Stani Kulechov, Base creator and head Jesse Pollak and many other cryptocurrency experts. The ten shortlisted projects selected by the judges all target the growing field of cryptocurrency, from artificial intelligence to cryptocurrency.

2024-11-18 00:04:25

ETHGlobal上周末在泰国曼谷举行了继Devcon之后的最新黑客马拉松活动,据大会报道,共有713个项目提交给了评委,其中包括以太坊联合创始人维塔利克-布特林(Vitalik Buterin)、Aave创始人斯塔尼-库莱乔夫(Stani Kulechov)、Base创建者兼负责人杰西-波拉克(Jesse Pollak)等众多加密货币专家。 评委们选出的十个入围项目都瞄准了加密货币中不断增长的领域,从人工智...

2024-11-18 00:04:25

ETHGlobal从223个项目中筛选出10个项目,入围最新旧金山2024决赛,其中包括: PumpRoyale:允许用户参与USDC全球健身挑战,完成活动,并从失败者池中赢得奖励,将健身与潜在收入相结合。 VVLDrizzy:让创作者在赚取收入的同时,制作、加水印和...

2024-10-21 08:51:23
ETHGlobal members: The Ethereum Foundation's internal spending accounts for approximately 38%, and external spending accounts for approximately 62%.

ETHGlobal member Josh Stark posted that since Ethereum Foundation spending has been a topic of conversation lately, here are some thoughts and answers to some of the big questions. First, we are working on a new Ethereum Foundation report covering 2022 and 2023. We hope to release it before Devcon SEA. Here is a preview of the spending information in the upcoming report (exact numbers to be determined). These graphs record both internal and external spending. For example, "L1 R & D" includes...

2024-08-27 13:11:25

ETHGlobal成员Josh Stark发文称,由于最近以太坊基金会支出一直是人们谈论的话题,以下是针对一些大问题的想法和答案。 首先,我们正在编写一份新的以太坊基金会报告,涵盖2022年和2023年。我们希望在Devcon SEA之前发布它。以下是即将发布的报告中的支出信息预览(具体数字待定)。这些图表同时记录了内部和外部支出。 例如,“L1 R&D”包括对...

2024-08-27 13:11:25
ETHGlobal Releases Latest SuperHack 2024 Finalists

ETHGlobal selected eight projects from 291 to be finalists for the latest SuperHack 2024, including: Tamayoshi: A gas-free on-chain mobile game similar to Tamagotchi. A great example of account abstraction and gas-free transactions. ChooseADelegate: A telepresence framework that uses social graphs to help people choose active representatives to vote on DAO proposals. Century Pay: A discord robot that allows users to pay through discord.

2024-08-19 05:02:10
ETHGlobal发布最新SuperHack 2024决赛入围者名单

ETHGlobal从291个项目中筛选出8个项目,入围最新SuperHack 2024决赛,其中包括: Tamayoshi:一款类似Tamagotchi的无gas链上手机游戏。账户抽象和无gas交易的绝佳范例。 ChooseADelegate:一个远距广播框架,它使用社交图谱来帮助人们选择活跃的代表来对DAO提案进行投票。 Century Pay:一款discord机器人,可让用户通过discord付...

2024-08-19 05:02:10
ETHGlobal Superhack 2024 Hackathon is now open for applications with a prize pool of $200,000

On August 2nd, according to the official release of ETHGlobal, the Superhack 2024 Hackathon is now open for applications. The event will be held from August 2nd to August 16th. It aims to explore the future of multi-chain and hyperchain. Participants will experiment around OP Stack and meet new friends and mentors during the event. The Hackathon offers a total of $200,000 in prizes. The main sponsors and prizes include Optimism ($24,500), Worldcoin ($20,000), Base ($20,000), Superform ($10,000),...

2024-08-02 03:27:07
ETHGlobal Superhack 2024黑客松现已开放申请,奖金池达20万美元

8月2日消息,据ETHGlobal官方发布,Superhack 2024黑客松现已开放申请。本次活动将于8月2日至8月16日举行,旨在探索多链和超级链的未来,参与者将围绕OP Stack展开实验,并在活动中结识新朋友和导师。此次黑客松共提供20万美元的奖金,主要赞助方及奖金包括Optimism(24,500美元)、Worldcoin(20,000美元)、Base(20,000美元)、Superform(10,000美元)、Celo(10,000美元)、EAS(10,000美元)、Conduit(10,000美元)、Pyth(10,000美元)、Fraxtal(10,00...

2024-08-02 03:27:07
ETHGlobal Announces 10 Brussels Finalists

On July 15, ETHGlobal announced the list of 10 Brussels finalists, including BananaBets, a betting platform, Cook some hooks that let users create and deploy Uniswap v4 hooks using generative AI, distributed, modular, permissionless artificial intelligence, Zarathustra designed as an open inference network, allowing two mobile phones to be brought close together to send cryptoassets Tap Ether using NFC technology, establishing a method to flag untrusted transactions on the chain, Oh Snap! that s...

2024-07-15 05:59:59

ETHGlobal于7月15日公布10个Brussels决赛入选名单,其中包括博彩平台BananaBets、让用户使用生成式AI创建和部署Uniswap v4钩子的Cook some hooks、分布式、模块化、无需许可的人工智能,设计为一个开放推理网络的Zarathustra、允许使用NFC技术将两部手机靠近来发送加密资产Tap Ether、建立了一种方法来标记链上不受信任的交易,将标记存储在IPFS中的Oh Snap!、允许用户使用Whatsa...

2024-07-15 05:59:59
ETHGlobal Announces 7 StarkHack Finalists

ETHGlobal announced the seven StarkHack finalists on June 27. RPG action game Chain Monsters; Mobile email wallet Zap; Zero-knowledge digital content zkPages; Certification system Solas; Privacy protection token mixer StarkSwirl; Single player strategy card game zKeste; ERC-721 Art Generator 512 Karat.

2024-06-27 12:46:24

ETHGlobal于6月27日公布7个StarkHack决赛入选名单: RPG动作游戏Chain Monsters; 移动电子邮件钱包Zap; 零知识数字内容zkPages; 认证系统Solas; 隐私保护代币混合器StarkSwirl; 单人策略卡牌游戏zKastle; ERC-721艺术生成器512 Karat。

2024-06-27 12:46:24
ETHGlobal announces 8 Sydney shortlists, including HoverChain, 0xPoll, Zeke, and others

ETHGlobal announced the eight Sydney nominees on May 5, including: Relief Link uses Chainlink Oracles to automate post-disaster relief. HoverChain provides the ability to view Ethereum data by selecting an address and chain without opening a new tab. Restake//Regen allows Ethereum validators to purchase and cancel high-quality carbon credits to offset a portion of the network's carbon emissions. Cache Coherence Extended Account Abstract Smart Wallet uses CCIP and World Coin to recover lost...

2024-05-06 13:46:44

ETHGlobal于5月5日公布8个Sydney入选名单,包括: Relief Link 使用 Chainlink Oracles 实现灾后救援自动化。 HoverChain 提供在不打开新标签页的情况下,通过选择地址和链来查看以太坊数据的功能。 Restake//Regen 允许以太坊验证者购买并注销高质量碳信用证,以抵消网络的一部分碳排放。 Cache Coherence 扩展账户抽象智能钱包使用CCIP和World Coin来恢复丢失的...

2024-05-06 13:46:44

7x24 Newsflash

17:20 2025-03-30
16:56 2025-03-30
16:47 2025-03-30
16:28 2025-03-30
mubarak 24小时跌超20%,市值暂报5800万美元
3月31日消息,行情数据显示,mubarak 24 小时跌超 20%,市值暂报 5800 万美元。
15:43 2025-03-30
数据:Base 净流入 900 万美元,Arbitrum 净流出 440 万美元
据 Artemis 数据显示,今日 Base 净流入 900 万美元,Bitcoin 净流入 160 万美元;Arbitrum 净流出 440 万美元,Avalanche C-Chain 净流出 220 万美元。
15:28 2025-03-30
Movement 联创回应向 Coinbase 充值代币:针对机构产品相关的交易,不会被出售和转让
针对加密 KOL 冰蛙质疑 Movement Labs 向 Coinbase 存入 1715 万枚 MOVE,Movement 联合创始人 Rushi 在评论区表示,这是针对机构即将推出的机构产品(例如 ETP / ETF)和相应贷款的交易 ,它不会被出售和转让。
14:54 2025-03-30
Zoth 更新安全事件调查进展:目前涉事资金尚未发生重大变动
RWA 借贷协议 Zoth 发布最新安全事件调查进展。Zoth 表示,目前涉事资金尚未发生重大变动,团队正与情报机构和生态系统合作伙伴密切协作,持续追踪并调查攻击者的相关行为。官方称其当前重点工作包括: 实时监控相关钱包的资金流动; 与链上分析团队合作,追踪攻击者的数字足迹; 协调执法机构与法律团队,制定下一步行动方案。 此前消息,Zoth 协议于 3 月 2...
14:24 2025-03-30
Strategy 将价值 6.13 亿美元的比特币转移至新地址
据链上分析师 Onchain Lens 监测,Strategy 相关地址已将 7,383.25 枚比特币(价值约 6.13 亿美元)转移至 3 个新地址。
14:06 2025-03-30
13:51 2025-03-30
两巨鲸总计 8440 万美元的ETH仓位即将面临清算
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,随着以太坊价格不断下跌,两巨鲸累计8440万美元的ETH仓位即将面临清算。 地址0xab7抵押 64,792 枚 WETH,借出 6,809 万枚 DAI,健康度为 1.02,清算价格为 1,786.65 美元。 地址0x6bb抵押 608,104,792 枚 WETH,借出 7,473 万枚 DAI,健康度为 1.03,清算价格为 1,781.99 美元。
13:46 2025-03-30
【下周重要事件与数据预告——对等关税来袭、鲍威尔携手非农重磅登场】1. 周一:①数据:中国...
【下周重要事件与数据预告——对等关税来袭、鲍威尔携手非农重磅登场】1. 周一:①数据:中国3月官方制造业PMI;英国2月央行抵押贷款许可;德国3月CPI月率初值;美国3月芝加哥PMI、美国3月达拉斯联储商业活动指数。②事件:2025中关村论坛年会3月27日至31日在京举办。③财报:中石油、万科。2. 周二:①数据:日本2月失业率;中国3月财新制造业PMI;英国3月Nationwide房价指数月率;瑞士2月实际零售销售年率;法国、德国、欧元区、英国3月制造业PMI终值;欧元区3月CPI年率初值、欧元区3月CPI月率初值、欧元区2月失业率;美国3月标普全球制造业PMI终值、美国3月ISM制造业PMI、美国2月JOLTs职位空缺、美国2月营建支出月率。②事件:澳洲联储公布利率决议;欧洲央行行长拉加德在AI大会上发表讲话。3. 周三:①数据:美国当周API及EIA原油库存;美国3月ADP就业人数、美国2月工厂订单月率。②事件: 国内成品油将开启新一轮调价窗口;美国总统特朗普计划实施对等关税和行业特定关税,将对进口汽车征收25%的关税,对购买委内瑞拉能源的国家征收25%关税。4. 周四:①数据:...
13:38 2025-03-30