The security agency CertiK released a report on the Dough Finance vulnerability incident. The report shows that Dough Finance was exploited in multiple flash loan transactions on July 12, and the hackers made about $2.10 million, of which about 76 ETH (about $260,000) was returned by white hat hackers. Attackers can use arbitrary call vulnerabilities in Dough ConnectorDeleverageParaswap contracts to transfer WETH directly from vulnerable contracts.
According to Cyvers Alerts, Dough Finance has sent an on-chain message to the hackers urging them to discuss the next steps to resolve the issue. They asked the hackers to email them or return the funds by 23:00 UTC on July 15, 2024 or face legal action. Previously, it was reported that potentially suspicious activity related to Dough Finance was detected, with losses of 1.81 million dollars.
According to SlowMist's clarification in a social media post, potential suspicious activity related to Dough Finance was detected and the loss was 1.81 million dollars.