News list for " connolly"

The Democratic House of Representatives has called for an ethics investigation into Trump's crypto project

U.S. Rep. Gerald Connolly, Democrat of Virginia, has called on the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to investigate whether President Trump's cryptocurrency enterprise conflicts with his presidential duties. Connolly said in a Jan. 21 letter to committee Republican Chairperson James Comer that Trump may have been removed from his W...

2025-01-23 01:15:32

美国弗吉尼亚州民主党众议员Gerald Connolly呼吁美国众议院监督与政府改革委员会调查总统特朗普的加密货币事业是否与其总统职责存在冲突。Connolly在1月21日致委员会共和党主席James Comer的信中表示,特朗普可能已经从他的W...

2025-01-23 01:15:32
Top House Democrats warn of corruption in Trump family's crypto business

Gerry Connolly, the top Democrat on the House oversight committee, wrote to the committee's Republican chairperson a day after the start of Mr. Trump's new term demanding an investigation into the president's business ties. "The committee must take immediate action to investigate the serious conflicts of interest that Donald Trump has brought into the office of the president," he said in the letter.

2025-01-22 22:44:22

美国众议院监督委员会最高民主党人 Gerry Connolly 在特朗普新任期开始后的一天致函该委员会共和党主席,要求对总统的商业关系进行调查。他在信件中表示:“该委员会必须立即采取行动,调查唐纳德·特朗普带入总统办公室的严重利益冲突,特...

2025-01-22 22:44:22