News list for " coincheck"


根据日本加密交易平台Coincheck第三财季(10月1日至12月31日)财报,Coincheck当季营收跃升至7.82亿美元,较第二财季的4.47亿美元增长75%。尽管报告了强劲的收入增长和客户资产增长72%,该交易平台仍公布了9,810万美元的净亏损,这主要是由于7.51亿美元的销售费用和其他管理费用。 Coincheck母公司Coincheck Group总部位于阿姆斯特丹,其首席执行官Gary Simanson将强劲的盈利报告归功于去年12月...

2025-02-13 02:52:30
Japanese crypto exchange Coincheck will launch an Ethereum staking service in January

Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck has announced that it will launch a new service called "Coincheck Staking" for Ethereum (ETH) in January 2025, allowing users to receive rewards for their holdings of ETH without going through any special procedures.

2025-01-09 05:28:23

日本加密货币交易所Coincheck宣布将于2025年1月针对以太坊(ETH)推出一项名为“Coincheck Staking”的新服务,用户无需经过任何特殊程序即可获得其持有的ETH质押奖励。

2025-01-09 05:28:23
The SEC has approved the listing of Japanese crypto exchange Coincheck on the Nasdaq

The SEC has approved the listing of Japanese crypto exchange Coincheck on the Nasdaq, a move that will be achieved through a merger with Thunder Bridge Capital Partners (TBCP), marking the first time a Japanese crypto exchange has listed on a U.S. stock exchange.

2024-11-13 12:26:35

美 SEC 已批准日本加密交易平台 Coincheck 在纳斯达克上市,此次举措将通过与 Thunder Bridge Capital Partners (TBCP) 的合并实现,是日本加密货币交易平台首次在美国证券交易所上市。

2024-11-13 12:26:35
1,599 BTC transferred from unknown wallets to Coincheck

According to Whale Alert, an on-chain data tracking service, 1,599 BTC ($106,793,799) were transferred from an unknown wallet to Coincheck at around 11:15 Beijing time today.

2024-06-14 03:18:48

据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间今日11:15左右,1,599枚BTC(106,793,799美元)从未知钱包转移到Coincheck。

2024-06-14 03:18:48
1,800 BTC transferred from unknown wallets to Coincheck

According to Whale Alert, an on-chain data tracking service, 1,800 BTC were transferred from an unknown wallet to Coincheck at 8:35 PM Beijing time today, worth approximately $120,346,169.

2024-06-11 12:38:10

据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间今日下午8:35,1,800枚BTC从未知钱包转移到Coincheck,价值约120,346,169美元。

2024-06-11 12:38:10
250 million XRP transferred from Coincheck to unknown wallet

According to WhaleAlert, 250,000,000 XRP were transferred from Coincheck to an unknown wallet, worth approximately $129,015,796.

2024-05-20 06:22:00


2024-05-20 06:22:00
100 million XRP transferred from Coincheck to unknown wallet

According to Whale Alert, 100 million XRP ($51,892,868) were transferred from Coincheck to an unknown wallet at 13:32 Beijing time.

2024-05-16 05:38:14

据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间13:32,1亿枚XRP(51,892,868美元)从Coincheck转移到未知钱包。

2024-05-16 05:38:14
Coincheck is moving forward with a merger agreement with SPAC to list on the US Nasdaq

Japanese crypto exchange Coincheck and special-purpose buyout firm Thunder Bridge Capital Partners IV are moving forward with a merger agreement that will enable Coincheck to list on the Nasdaq. Coincheck has reportedly filed a proposal for the agreement with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), marking a significant step for both companies and investors seeking exposure to the growing cryptocurrency industry. The merged entity, Coincheck Group N.V., is awaiting regulatory approval and shar...

2024-05-08 06:58:57

日本加密交易所Coincheck和特殊目的收购公司Thunder Bridge Capital Partners IV正在推进合并协议,这将使Coincheck能够在纳斯达克上市。据报道,Coincheck已向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交了关于该协议的提案,这标志着两家公司和寻求接触不断增长的加密货币行业的投资者迈出了重要一步。 合并后的实体Coincheck Group N.V.正等待监管审批和股东同意...

2024-05-08 06:58:57

7x24 Newsflash

20:39 2025-03-21
Perplexity AI is interested in acquiring TikTok
Artificial intelligence company Perplexity AI announced its intention to take over TikTok U.S. business before the U.S. government ban takes effect, saying "Perplexity is uniquely positioned to rebuild TikTok algorithm without creating a monopoly." Currently, multiple buyers including Oracle, Microsoft, Walmart, and former Los Angeles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt and Roblox CEO Jesse Tinsley have also been rumored to be interested in buying TikTok.
20:03 2025-03-21
The three major U.S. stock indexes closed up slightly
The three major indices of US stocks rose slightly, the Dow rose 0.07%, the Nasdaq rose 0.52%, the S & P 500 index rose 0.08%, most popular technology stocks rose, Tesla rose more than 5%, Apple and Meta rose more than 1%.
19:57 2025-03-21
Tether is in talks with Big Four accounting firms about reserve audits
Tether, the world's largest stablecoin issuer, is in talks with a Big Four accounting firm to press ahead with its long-promised reserve audit. Tether, which has issued more than $140 billion worth of dollar-pegged cryptocurrencies, claims each token is backed by dollar-denominated assets and only publishes quarterly reports and has yet to complete a full audit. Paolo Ardoino, Tether's chief executive, did not disclose the firm or audit timeline under discussion, saying: "This [audit] is our hig...
18:47 2025-03-21
Fidelity Solana Fund is registered in Delaware, USA
According to market news, Fidelity Solana Fund is registered in Delaware, USA.
17:48 2025-03-21
The UK government is considering plans to reduce or even abolish the digital services tax by April 2.
The UK government is considering plans to reduce or even abolish the digital services tax by April 2.
17:31 2025-03-21
Coinbase is in advanced talks to acquire Deribit
Coinbase is in advanced talks to acquire crypto trading platform Deribit.
17:19 2025-03-21
The Israeli military says it has killed the head of Hamas military intelligence in southern Gaza.
The Israeli military says it has killed the head of Hamas military intelligence in southern Gaza.
17:12 2025-03-21
Goldman Sachs maintained its bullish forecast for copper, expecting prices to reach $10,200 a tonne in the fourth quarter of 2025.
Goldman Sachs maintained its bullish forecast for copper, expecting prices to reach $10,200 a tonne in the fourth quarter of 2025.
17:01 2025-03-21
The total number of oil rigs in the United States in the week to March 21 was 486, compared with 487 previously.
The total number of oil rigs in the United States in the week to March 21 was 486, compared with 487 previously.
16:48 2025-03-21
South Korea plans to impose sanctions on unregistered trading platforms such as BitMEX and KuCoin
South Korean financial authorities are planning to impose sanctions on crypto trading platforms such as BitMEX, KuCoin, CoinW, Bitunix and KCEX that are not registered with the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) but offer Korean-language website services. The FIU said the exchanges were not registered as virtual asset service providers (VASPs) as required and were therefore considered to be operating illegally. Officials said plans to block access to these unregistered overseas exchanges are bein...
16:27 2025-03-21
Trump: A comprehensive ceasefire in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will soon be achieved
US President Donald Trump has said that a comprehensive ceasefire in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will soon be achieved.
16:14 2025-03-21
President Trump: We will soon achieve a comprehensive ceasefire in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
President Trump: We will soon achieve a comprehensive ceasefire in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.