News list for " chartrapist"

A giant whale spent 6.20 million USDC in the past 2 days to buy the DOGE has lost 1.76 million dollars

According to Onchain Lens, in the past two days, a giant whale named "chartrapist.eth" has spent 6.20 million USDC to buy 13.95 million DOGE through two different wallets. Currently, the value of these tokens is $4.43 million, and the giant whale faces a loss of $1.76 million.

2024-11-15 15:30:48

据Onchain Lens监测,在过去两天里,一位名为“chartrapist.eth”的巨鲸通过两个不同的钱包花费620万枚USDC购买了1395万枚 DOGE。目前,这些代币的价值为443万美元,而这位巨鲸面临176万美元的损失。

2024-11-15 15:30:48