News list for " bug"

Alipay responded to the bug incident, saying it would not collect money from users

On January 17th, in the early morning of January 17th, Alipay issued a response saying: Due to one of our mistakes yesterday afternoon, a small number of users enjoyed a discount when paying. Some users sent this screenshot, concerned about whether we will recover the discount. A few facts are clarified here: 1. The Alipay official did not send any fund recovery text messages. If you receive the text message below, don't click it, so as not to be deceived. Please help us tell each other. 2. How ...

2025-01-17 01:42:17
支付宝回应bug事故 称不会向用户追款

1月17日讯,1月17日凌晨,支付宝发文回应称: 昨天下午由于我们的一个失误,导致小部分用户在支付时享受了立减优惠,有用户发了这个截图,关心我们会不会把优惠追回。有几个事实在此澄清: 1、支付宝官方没有发送任何资金追回短信,如果你收到了下图短信,千万不要点,以免上当受骗,也请大家帮忙相互转告。 2、失误是怎么发生的?其实是我们在支付宝某个常规营销活动后台配错了营销模板,把优惠额度和优惠金类型都写错了。 3、既然是我们的错,成本和责任必须我们自己承担。针对已经发出的营销优惠金,支付宝不会向用户追款,请大家安心。

2025-01-17 01:42:17
Sui: Bug fixes implemented, staking rewards for epoch560, 561, 562, and 563 distributed

Sui tweeted that it has implemented a bug fix, which is currently effective in epoch564. The staking rewards for epoch560, 561, 562 and 563 have been distributed, and users can now cancel their pledges.

2024-10-28 14:20:57


2024-10-28 14:20:57
OpenAI is investigating an increase in the error rate of assistant APIs

OpenAI is investigating an increase in the error rate of assistant APIs.

2024-07-12 10:30:16
Bitcoin Core Developers Launch Critical Bug Disclosure Policy

Bitcoin Core developers have launched a Critical Bug Disclosure Policy in an effort to communicate more effectively about Bitcoin security bugs. In a July 3 letter to members of the Bitcoin Development mailing list, Bitcoin Core developer Antoine Poinsot and five others said the project has historically had a poor record of publicly disclosing critical security vulnerabilities, whether reported externally or discovered by contributors. Antoine Poinsot said there is a dangerous perception that th...

2024-07-04 13:04:56
Bitcoin Core开发者推出Critical Bug披露政策

Bitcoin Core 开发者推出了Critical Bug披露政策,旨在更有效地沟通关于比特币安全漏洞。Bitcoin Core 开发者 Antoine Poinsot 和其他五人在 7 月 3 日写给 Bitcoin Development 邮件列表成员的信中表示,该项目在公开披露安全关键漏洞方面历来表现不佳,无论是外部报告的还是贡献者发现的, Antoine Poinsot 表示,人们有一种危险的看法,认为 Bitcoin Core 没有错误,并指出这是危险的,而...

2024-07-04 13:04:56
BitMEX Launches 30,000 Dollar Bounty Program

BitMEX announced on social media the launch of a new bug bounty program, offering a $30,000 bug bounty.

2024-07-03 09:54:35
NFT项目VeeFriends宣布与Candle Media和Moonbug Entertainment合作打造2D动画短片

OdNFT 项目 VeeFriends 宣布与 Candle Media 和 Moonbug Entertainment 达成合作,计划于 2024 年夏末发布以 VeeFriends 世界为背景的动画系列剧,将解决与当今年轻人相关的紧迫问题。据 NFTGo 数据显示,当前 VeeFriends 地板价触 1.14 ETH,过去 24 小时交易均价达到 1.93 ETH,涨幅 45.74%。

2024-03-13 20:18:47