News list for " blockaid"

Sui partners with crypto security platform Blockaid

Sui has partnered with crypto security platform Blockaid to enhance the security of the Sui ecosystem. According to the announcement, Blockaid will add protections to Sui wallets and address smart contract vulnerabilities, off-chain threats, and operational failures on Sui.

2025-03-12 22:45:27


2025-03-12 22:45:27
Crypto security platform Blockaid completes $50 million Series B financing, led by Ribbit Capital

On February 18th, according to Bloomberg, crypto security platform Blockaid recently completed a $50 million Series B financing, led by Ribbit Capital, with participation from GV (formerly Google Ventures) and existing investors Variant and Cyberstarts. The financing will help Blockaid deal with the growing risk of cybercrime in the digital asset sector. In 2024, Blockaid successfully blocked 71 million potential attacks and avoided a loss of $5.30 billion. The company expects to increase user g...

2025-02-18 14:49:55
加密安全平台Blockaid完成5000万美元B轮融资,Ribbit Capital领投

2月18日消息,据彭博社报道,加密安全平台Blockaid近日完成了5000万美元的B轮融资,由Ribbit Capital领投,GV(前身为Google Ventures)及现有投资者Variant和Cyberstarts参与。此次融资将帮助Blockaid应对数字资产领域日益增长的网络犯罪风险。2024年,Blockaid成功拦截了7100万个潜在攻击,避免了53亿美元的损失。公司预计随着用户增长和...

2025-02-18 14:49:55
Uniswap Labs and Blockaid partner to develop a new token early warning system

Uniswap Labs and web3 security firm Blockaid have partnered to develop a new on-chain detection and response system to protect DEX users from malicious token attacks. Blockaid's tools alert users if they interact with a token flagged as potentially malicious. The tool will be available in Uniswaps web, mobile, and self-hosted crypto wallet extensions. It combines static (comparing contract source code to known viruses) and dynamic (using a virtual environment to trigger contracts) verification h...

2024-12-23 20:20:57
Uniswap Labs和Blockaid合作开发新的代币预警系统

Uniswap Labs 和 web3 安全公司 Blockaid 合作开发了一个新的链上检测和响应系统,以保护 DEX 用户免受恶意代币攻击,如果用户与被标记为潜在恶意的代币进行交互,Blockaid 的工具会向用户发出警报。 该工具将在 Uniswaps 网页版、移动版和自托管加密钱包扩展中推出。它结合了静态(将合约源代码与已知病毒进行比较)和动态(使用虚拟环境来触发合约)验证启发...

2024-12-23 20:20:57
World App integrates on-chain security platform Blockaid to enhance user security

On November 27th, Blockaid, an on-chain security platform, announced its integration with World App, a self-hosted wallet from World Network, to enhance the security of World App users and developers. It is reported that Blockaid's partners include Coinbase, Stellar, and MetaMask.

2024-11-27 06:30:43
World App集成链上安全平台Blockaid以增强用户安全性

11月27日消息,链上安全平台Blockaid宣布与World Network的自托管钱包World App集成,旨在增强World App用户和开发者的安全性。据悉,Blockaid的合作伙伴包括Coinbase、Stellar以及MetaMask。

2024-11-27 06:30:43
Angel Drainer upgrades, deploys over 300 malicious dApps in 4 days

According to a new report from blockchain security firm Blockaid, the notorious crypto-phishing toolkit AngelDrainer is back, this time with a new and improved version called AngelX that has deployed hundreds of malicious applications. Blockaid said on September 4 that the new AngelX system had deployed 300 malicious decentralized applications (DApps) designed to steal crypto users' digital assets.

2024-09-05 02:12:24
Angel Drainer升级,4天内部署了300多个恶意dApp

根据区块链安全公司Blockaid的最新报告,臭名昭著的加密网络钓鱼工具包AngelDrainer又回来了,这次推出了一个名为AngelX的新改进版本,该版本已经部署了数百个恶意应用程序。 Blockaid在9月4日表示,新的AngelX系统已经部署了300个恶意去中心化应用程序(DApps),旨在窃取加密用户的数字资产。

2024-09-05 02:12:24
Data: The number of DApps using Inferno Drainer has increased to 40,000

According to Web3 security firm Blockaid, the number of DApps using Inferno Drainer has increased to 40,000 by the end of July 2024. According to Oz Tamir, head of research and development at Blockaid, the number of new malicious DApps using the tool has increased threefold.

2024-08-29 08:05:07
数据:使用 Inferno Drainer 的 DApp 数量已增加到 40,000 个

根据 Web3 安全公司 Blockaid 数据,截至 2024 年 7 月底,使用 Inferno Drainer 的 DApp 数量已增加到 40,000 个。Blockaid 的研发负责人 Oz Tamir 表示,使用该工具的新恶意 DApp 数量增加了三倍。

2024-08-29 08:05:07
1Inch partners with Web3 security tool Blockaid to enhance Web3 security

On June 20th, the DeFi project 1inch has partnered with the Web3 security tool Blockaid to enhance Web3 security with 1inch Shield. 1inch Shield includes the block list feature provided by Etherscan Pro to instantly block suspicious blockchain addresses. The screening component is powered by TRM Labs and uses on-chain and off-chain data to detect possible security risks. In addition, the Shield API will be gradually integrated into 1inch products, which can be integrated with other tool suites f...

2024-06-20 14:10:35
1inch与Web3安全工具Blockaid达成合作,以增强 Web3 安全性

6月20日消息,DeFi项目1inch 与 Web3 安全工具 Blockaid 达成合作,以通过 1inch Shield 增强 Web3 安全性。1inch Shield 包含 Etherscan Pro 提供的拦截列表功能,可立即拦截可疑的区块链地址。筛查组件由 TRM 实验室提供支持,使用链上和链下数据检测可能存在的安全风险。此外,Shield API 将逐步集成至 1inch 产品中,该 API 可在 1inch 开发人员门户网站上与面向 Web3 开发人员的其他工具套件一...

2024-06-20 14:10:35
Avalanche Core Wallet Gets Blockaid Security Integration

Avalanche and Blockaid have announced a partnership to integrate Blockaid's security features directly into Avalanche's Core wallet, the native wallet for the blockchain network. The security upgrade is designed to stop the increasingly sophisticated phishing scams and hacks plaguing decentralized finance by pre-screening transactions against Blockaid's database of known malicious threats and then alerting users to threats before they are actually signed and published. This security feature is c...

2024-06-06 13:15:17

7x24 Newsflash

21:04 2025-03-27
美国司法部(DOJ)宣布查封约 20 万美元的加密货币,作为打击哈马斯融资网络行动的一部分。DOJ指出,这笔资金为 USDT,来源于与哈马斯及其附属组织相关的钱包。自 2024 年 10 月以来,这些地址共收到超过 150 万美元加密货币,背后是一次有组织的筹款行动。资金被集中转入一个主钱包,并通过多个交易所及场外交易商转移,以试图掩盖资金流向。
20:43 2025-03-27
据 Arkham 监测,美国政府刚刚从“Sae-Heng 没收资金”地址中转移了价值约 177 万美元的以太坊(ETH)。 首先,一笔价值 1 美元的测试交易被发送至地址:0xBf7f...c74b,大约十分钟后,来自 Sae-Heng 没收资金地址(0x17f)的 177 万美元 ETH 随即被转移到 0xBf7 地址。
20:31 2025-03-27
美国区块链基础设施公司Constellation Network近日发布"数字证据"(Digital Evidence)系统,该系统基于区块链技术,旨在为执法部门和公共服务机构提供防篡改的数据存证解决方案。该公司此前已与美国国防部合作开发"Iron SPIDR"项目长达六年。 该系统可应用于警用车辆、消防设备等场景的数据采集,并与松下TOUGHBOOK设备实现集成。Const...
20:12 2025-03-27
19:45 2025-03-27
Arthur Hayes:4月将成为市场的转折点,新一轮的市场增长即将到来
BitMEX 联合创始人 Arthur Hayes 表示, 4 月将成为市场的转折点,并预测新一轮的市场增长即将到来。Hayes 认为,特朗普的关税政策不会影响美联储的决策,货币印钞机将继续运转,新一轮全球流动性即将释放。
19:06 2025-03-27
18:29 2025-03-27
OpenAI创始人:GPU超负荷 将暂时对ChatGPT生成图片功能增加速率限制
OpenAI创始人Sam Altman表示,看到人们喜欢在聊天中使用(生成)图片功能真是太有趣了。但我们的GPU已超负荷,在我们努力提高效率的同时,我们将暂时要对ChatGPT生成图片的功能引入一些速率限制。
18:23 2025-03-27
Binance Alpha上线Ghiblification(Ghibli)和GhibliCZ(Ghibli)
Binance Alpha 上线 Ghiblification(Ghibli)和 GhibliCZ(Ghibli)。
18:20 2025-03-27
据 Arkham 数据,大约半小时前,美国政府地址向 bc1q7q 开头地址转移 97.336 枚 BTC,约 846 万美元。
17:50 2025-03-27
据官方公告,根据投票结果和尽职调查,币安将于 2025 年 03 月 28 日 05:00(东八区时间)上线 Mubarak(MUBARAK)、CZ'S Dog(BROCCOLI714)、Tutorial (TUT) 和 Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) 并开放以下现货交易对:MUBARAK/USDT、MUBARAK/USDC、BROCCOLI714/USDT、BROCCOLI714/USDC、TUT/USDT、TUT/USDC、BANANAS31/USDT、BANANAS31/USDC。
17:16 2025-03-27
据路透社消息,法国国有银行 Bpifrance 推出 2500 万欧元基金,用于投资法国新兴加密代币。
17:04 2025-03-27
YZi Labs将举办黑客马拉松,表现出色项目有机会获孵化与投资
YZi Labs 将黑客马拉松,关注人工智能和区块链驱动的金融科技解决方案。在 4 月 12 日举办线下黑客马拉松,4 月 13 日至 27 日举办线上黑客马拉松除了黑客马拉松。表现出色的建设者将有机会加入 YZi Labs 孵化计划,获得 YZi Labs 的直接投资。