News list for " bankx"

Slow Mist: Detection of potentially suspicious activity related to BankX

On February 7th, SlowMist issued a security alert saying that it has detected potential suspicious activity related to BankX, so please remain vigilant. According to the official website, BankX introduced a dual-token, partially collateralized, and partially algorithmic stablecoin to decentralized finance, claiming that its stablecoin is the first stablecoin to pay interest to users when minted in circulation, while always avoiding the risk of liquidation.

2025-02-07 10:12:51

2月7日消息,慢雾(SlowMist)发布安全警报表示,检测到与 BankX 相关的潜在可疑活动,请保持警惕。 据官网介绍,BankX 将一种双代币、部分抵押、部分算法稳定币引入去中心化金融,称其稳定币是首个在流通中铸造时为用户支付利息,同时始终避免清算风险的稳定币。

2025-02-07 10:12:51