News list for " bandit"

ZachXBT: Blockchain Bandit Consolidates 51,000 ETH into a Single Wallet After 2 Years of Hibernation

The hacker Blockchain Bandit stole 51,000 Ethereum mainly by successfully guessing weak private keys. After being dormant for nearly two years, blockchain investigator ZachXBT said in a Telegram post on December 30 that all 51,000 Ethereum were transferred from 10 wallet addresses to the multi-signature address "0xC451D542". The funds were mainly transferred into 5,000 Ether in batches between 8:54 pm UTC and 9:18 pm UTC on December 30. Before that, the stolen funds had been in these 10 countrie...

2024-12-31 07:48:04
ZachXBT:Blockchain Bandit在休眠 2年后将5.1万枚ETH合并至单一钱包,约合1.72亿美元

黑客Blockchain Bandit主要通过成功猜测弱私钥盗取了 5.1 万枚以太坊,在休眠近两年后,区块链调查员ZachXBT在12月30日的Telegram帖子中说,全部5.1万个以太坊从10个钱包地址转移到了多签名地址 “0xC451D542”。这些资金主要是在 12 月 30 日 8:54 pm UTC 到 9:18 pm UTC 期间分批转入 5,000 以太币。 在此之前,自 2023 年 1 月 21 日 51,000 以太坊被转移以来,被盗资金一直在这 10...

2024-12-31 07:48:04