According to The Block, Fidelity Digital Assets said in its 2025 Outlook report that while Solana is strong in the short term, Ethereum's fundamentals are stronger and better suited for long-term investment. The report also predicts that Bitcoin will maintain its value in various economic environments, stablecoins and DeFi will continue to innovate, and the growth of tokenized assets will continue. Fidelity believes that it is not too late to enter the cryptocurrency market and expects to enter ...
BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, expects an artificial intelligence boom next year to continue boosting U.S. stocks and supporting broader economic growth, although rising U.S. debt levels could threaten its bullish forecast for 2025. Innovations in artificial intelligence technology could benefit U.S. stocks more than European stocks, the agency said. While U.S. economic growth could cool slightly next year, the Federal Reserve is likely to be unable to cut interest rates significa...